videos icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
videos copied to clipboard

Video player and library app designed for elementary OS

Results 83 videos issues
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### What Happened? video is blank audio is fine cant play any videos i have installed ubuntu-restricted-packages ### Steps to Reproduce play video ### Expected Behavior video should play ###...

Having the ability to select different playback speeds would be very welcome. ## Problem Most modern video players and services offer the ability to select different playback speeds. This is...

Priority: Wishlist
Needs Design

Todo: - [ ] playback duration and progress in timewidget - [ ] subtitles in settings popover - [ ] audio channels in settings popover

Not like a massive redesign or anything. Is it worth it? ![Screenshot from 2022-05-19 18 14 49](

This mostly works, I just need to figure out how to set the size of the video to something reasonable

Kinda denies existence of this app. I would love to help, but I couldn't generate any logs. To reproduce I just tried to play any video, but nothing happens, app...

Needs Design

## Prerequisites - [ ] I have searched open and closed issues for duplicates. ## Describe the bug Video can't be played with the app. The app simply display a...

I like minimalism, but a player without a volume control is kind of useless. Sure, I can control the whole PC's volume, but is that what I want to do..?

### What Happened? bottom left and right rounded corners are missing ### Steps to Reproduce every time I open this app ### Expected Behavior rounded corners should be there ###...

### What Happened? Videos is supposed to inhibit the screensaver, but it isn't working. This is reproducible in both windowed and fullscreen modes. ### Steps to Reproduce 1. Run an...