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Dynamic window and tab title
The window or tab title only show the current directory. For me is not possible to see, which user use this terminal (user or root). Some commands like emerge, apt-get or pacman need to change the title to see the progress.
Please add a dynamic title like username@hostname:currentdirectory. If i am the user which start the terminal the nicer way should be to see only username@hostname:~/Downloads in the title. If i switch so root the full path should be shown like root@hostname:/home/username/Downloads Some commands like emerge or pacman should be allow to change the title dynamic. So i am able the progress of this commands. Please take a look to the mate-terminal.
Are you on odin? I remember tabs showing the previous commands and directories in 5.1, it was a lot easier to remember which tab was which that way.
This recent commit may fix this: https://github.com/elementary/terminal/pull/602
Is this fix #602 working for any one?
Haven't tested, the package hasn't been updated since July.
Just chiming in to say that although my .bashrc is set up to make the tab/window title the current running command, it hasn't done this since I updated to Odin.