terminal copied to clipboard
Elementary terminal scrool down by itself when minimized and maximized . (Not sure if this is a bug).
What Happened
Expected Behavior
Steps to Reproduce
Platform Information
Can you provide more info (Steps to reproduce, version, etc...)?
I can't reproduce it on 5.1.7. This is what I tried:
1- Use the command "dmesg" 2- Press Ctrl+Shift+Home to go to the top of the page. 3- Press Super+Up to maximize or the Dock Terminal icon to minimize.
pretty not much to say, give it an ifconfig or any other command for example on a fresh openned terminal then a Ctrl + L to clear screen and then maximize and minimize it. the auto scrool down is going to happen.
I've installed mate terminal and gnome terminal and this issue didn't happen.
I can replicate the issue, but only by maximizing the window. Minimizing the window on the 3rd step doesn't change the clear status.
Steps to Reproduce: 1- Use the command "dmesg" 2- Press Ctrl+l to clear the screen 3- Maximize the window.
Result: The cleared output appears again.
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This seems related to #465.
I just tried it with Mate Terminal from Ubuntu Focal and the same issue did occur. So it looks like it is an issue with the Vte terminal widget. Maybe later versions have fixed it?