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Improve path bar view of long path
The actual path bar view of long paths has design issues making navigation difficult.
actual files:
- gnome files 3.26.4
gnome files crop the full path and allow to horizontal scroll to access other parts of the path that are not show.
- windows 10
windows crop the path as gnome, and it has this arrows to easy navigate on the path.
- mac os
does not show the path and do not allow the user to navigate on it.
- dropbox
does similar to windows
This is a good idea, but would require substantial rewriting of the pathbar code and would probably mean losing the animations.
There maybe other ways of making navigation easier with less code changes, e.g. having the last two or three breadcrumbs always in full (up to a limit in total size) and allowing the higher levels to reduce further. And/or having the breadcrumb that is hovered be expanded.
- mac os does not show the path and do not allow the user to navigate on it.
You can turn on the path bar with the shortcut: Opt-Cmd-P.
This is a good idea, but would require substantial rewriting of the pathbar code and would probably mean losing the animations.
How about providing usability prior to eye candy? ;)
Another option would be to make it scrollable
The design of the pathbar is likely to be rethought and recoded at some point so making it scrollable is certainly an option.
The Gtk4 port should improve this.