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CRDTs implemented in Redis
Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types Based on Redis
Several Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) implemented based on Redis(6.0.5).
Things we do for such implementation:
- Enable Redis to replicate in multi-master mode.
- Implement the CRDT framework.
- Implement specific CRDTs according to their algorithms.
The CRDTs currently implemented:
- Replicated Priority Queue (RPQ)
- Add-Win RPQ
- Remove-Win RPQ
- List
- Remove-Win List
- RWF-List
For more details of our implementation, please read the linked article of the CRDTs above. Also you can read the Performance measurements section of the technical report. Note that the Remove-Win RPQ in this technical report corresponds to the RWF-RPQ here.
Our modified Redis is in folder redis-6.0.5. Please build it in the default mode:
cd redis-6.0.5
sudo make install
In the folder experiment/redis_test there are scripts for testing our modified Redis and RPQ implementations. By default, the test will start 5 Redis server instances on the local machine, listening on port 6379, 6380, 6381, 6382 and 6383. You may choose to start some of these server instances by using parameters when you run the scripts.
Here we focus on 5 scripts:
- [parameters] Start the 5 Redis instances, or the Redis instances specified by parameters.
- [parameters] Construct P2P replication among the 5 Redis instances, or the Redis instances specified by parameters.
- <server_port> Start a client to connect to the Redis server listening on the specified port.
- [parameters] Close the 5 Redis instances, or the Redis instances specified by parameters.
- [parameters] Remove the database files (.rdb files) and log files (.log files) of the 5 Redis instances, or the Redis instances specified by parameters.
Here we show an example to test our implementation using all the 5 Redis server instances.
Firstly go to the experiment/redis_test, start the Redis server instances and construct P2P replication among them.
cd experiment/redis_test
Now you can start redis clients to connect to Redis servers and do RPQ read/write operations. Here shows start a client to connect one Redis server.
./ <server_port>
When you've finished testing, you may close the Redis server instances.
Finally, you can remove the Redis database files (.rdb files) and log files (.log files).
To further redo the experiment of our work our please check here.
CRDT Operations
Different implementations of the same type of CRDT offer the same operations for users. We use [type][op] to name our CRDT operations. The operations name contains of an implementation type prefix and an operation type suffix. For example, the name of operation of RWF-RPQ to add one element is rwfzadd, where rwf is the implementation type prefix and zadd is the operation type suffix.
RPQ operations
The [type] prefix of different RPQs are:
- Add-Win RPQ : o
- Remove-Win RPQ : r
- RWF-RPQ : rwf
The operations of RPQs are:
- [type]zadd Q E V : Add a new element E into the priority queue Q with initial value V.
- [type]zincrby Q E I : Add the increment I to the value of element E in the priority queue Q.
- [type]zrem Q E : Remove element E from the priority queue Q.
- [type]zscore Q E : Read the value of element E from the priority queue Q.
- [type]zmax Q : Read the element with the largest value in the priority queue Q. Returns the element and its value.
List operations
The [type] prefix of different Lists are:
- Remove-Win List : r
- RWF-List : rwf
The operations of Lists are:
- [type]linsert L prev id content font size color property : Add a new element id after prev into the list L, with the content content, and the initial properties font size color and property(bitmap that encodes bold, italic and underline). If prev is "null", it means insert the element at the beginning of the list. If prev is "readd", it means to re-add the element that is previously added and then removed, and restore its position.
- [type]lupdate L id type value : Update the type property with value for element id in list L.
- [type]lrem L id : Remove element id from the list L.
Note that the insert operation should always insert a unique new element with a designated position (i.e. prev element), or a previously added element with "readd" being its prev. Otherwise it is undefined behavior.
This is reasonable that for collaborative text editing, the newly inserted element (characters, words, ...) should always be unique. And the "readd" semantics, which may be used for undo/redo scenarios, means that you have seen the element. The element has been added at least from a global perspective.
Folders Of This Repo
- redis-6.0.5 : The CRDT-Redis source code. The main part of this repo.
experiment : Simple test and experimental evaluation for CRDT-Redis.
- Simple config, run and test.
- Randomized testing.
- Manual MET test.
- Experimental evaluation of memory overhead and consistency.
- MET : Model-based explorative testing for CRDT-Redis.
- document : Some technical papers of CRDT-Redis.
You may find more info in the of the corresponding folders.