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🧲 Grid Compositional Layout is a SwiftUI 2.0 view that lays out the supplied views in a grid. Easily configurable and lazily retained [Swift 5.3, iOS 14.0+, iPadOS 14.0+, macOS 11.0(10.16)+]

grid-compositional-layout Awesome

Platform PrimaryFramework Language CustomLayouts DependencyManagement License

Last Update: 27/June/2020.

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✍️ About

🧲 Grid Compositional Layout is a SwiftUI view that lays out the supplied views in a grid. Easily configurable and lazily retained [Swift 5.3, iOS 14.0+, iPadOS 14.0+, macOS 11.0(10.16)+].

📚 Contents

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📦 Installation

There are no dependencies as well as any package managers involved. The repo contains both: the Swift Package and a demo Xcode project.

Swift Package Manager

Please note that the package and demo project have the minimum deplyment target for iOS/iPadOS 14.0+ and macOS 11.0(10.16)+.

Xcode 11+

  1. Open MenuBarFileSwift PackagesAdd Package Dependency...
  2. Paste the package repository url and hit Next.
  3. Select the installment rules.

After specifying which version do you want to install, the package will be downloaded and attached to your project.


If you already have a Package.swift or you are building your own package simply add a new dependency:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")


You can always use copy-paste the sources method 😄.

✈️ Usage and APIs

The API layer is thin and currently has a single compositional grid variant for vertical alignment. That means, under the hood the LazyVGrid is used to layout the supplied views. However, the future versions will support the LazyHGrid and their combination, which will allow to easly describe orthogonal compositional layouts, just as in UIKit with UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout.


To create a layout you need to import the framework:

import GridCompositionalLayout

Then, instantiate an instance of GridCompositionalView type:

var body: some View {
  GridCompositionalView(navigationTitle: "Your navigation title, if any",
                        items: 20,
                        columns: columns) { index -> AnyView in
      gridCellView(for: index)

the items parameter describes the total number of views to be rendered by the view and columns is an input argument of type [GridItem]. It specifies how an item should be treated by the layout system. For example, if you specify the following:

let columns = [GridItem](repeating: GridItem(.flexible(), spacing: interItemSpacing), count: 2),
              [GridItem](repeating: GridItem(.flexible(), spacing: interItemSpacing), count: 6),
              [GridItem](repeating: GridItem(.flexible(), spacing: interItemSpacing), count: 4)              

And then pass it as an input parameter to GridCompositionalView instance, you will get a grid, where the first row contains, evenly positioned two elements, the second row contains evenly positioned six elements and the third row contains four elements. Then, if there is a fifth row, it will use the first grid item description e.g. evenly positioned two columns of items.

By combining and experimenting with differnet grid item configurations, you can customize the layout of the supplied views.

⚠️ Warning

The assets used in this project were taken from the Web. Do not use them for commertial purposes and proprietary projects. They are used just for demostration only.

👨‍💻 Author

Astemir Eleev

🔖 Licence

The project is available under MIT Licence