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automate the backporting process

Results 14 trop issues
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* Removes reference to original PR from message to avoid double PR reference * Replaces instances of ({branch}) with ({newBranch}) so the backport message makes sense

Being a windows user I encountered problem following the steps mentioned in the readme I was not able to install packages using npm I just want to make a minor...

See for example. It should take the higher label.

:beetle: bug

Hello folks! At we recently introduced a release process that includes the necessity for backports. We're only backporting to the current minor at the moment but already that feels...

:sparkles: enhancement
:speech_balloon: question

When trop opens automatic backports at present it automatically tags the backports with `backport` and `BRANCH_NAME` and nothing else. Trop should also copy back any non-`target/x.y.z` labels present on the...

:sparkles: enhancement
help wanted When manually backporting the cherry pick ran clean, so it's not clear why trop thinks it failed, and the blank diff makes it seem like it did not actually...

:beetle: bug

There are from time to time trop failures to backport which when manually performed it is unclear why it failed since the cherry pick runs clean. Would be nice if...

:sparkles: enhancement

This PR: - [x] fixes #281 - [x] Add new helper `updateManualBackportReleaseNotes` - [x] Updates tests and fixtures

This PR adds tests for updateBackportValidityCheck to expand coverage of index.ts.

This PR: - [x] fixes #282 - [x] Add helper function in utils called `needsSemverMinorBackportLabel` that handles correct labels for both automatic and manual backport - [x] Update and added...