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How can I specify different build options for arm64 and x64 packages

Open semenov-oleg opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

  • Electron-Builder Version: v23.3.1
  • Node Version: v16.14.0
  • Electron Version: v19.0.10
  • Target: MacOS universal (arm64 and x64)

I want to add own extra file to universal Mac package extraFiles: [ { from: "native/target/release/", to: "./Frameworks", filter: ["auxtool"], }, ]

However on x64 and arm64 packages merge I get the error below

fatal error: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/lipo: /Users/admin/apps/workspace/temp/buildTmp/electron-universal-81hBIr/Tmp.app/Contents/Frameworks/auxtool and /Users/admin/apps/workspace/UMA/dist/mac-universal--arm64/UniversalMacApp.app/Contents/Frameworks/auxtool have the same architectures (arm64) and can't be in the same fat output file

Is there a way to provide different build options for arm64 and x64 packages?

semenov-oleg avatar Sep 14 '22 23:09 semenov-oleg

I think you can use either x64ArchFiles or singleArchFiles https://www.electron.build/configuration/mac

mmaietta avatar Sep 16 '22 15:09 mmaietta