electron-builder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
electron-builder copied to clipboard

**Asset validation failed (90236) icon required missing**

Open html5technologies786 opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments

Asset validation failed (90236) icon required missing.



Electron: 8.5.5

Node Version:



*** MAC OS :**

*** Target :** MAS :pkg installer for mac app store

I am trying to create mas pkg installer for mac app store, all things are working fine, but when i am trying to upload to store via Transporter and during verification , it says, asset validation failed. Icon missing, though I have .icns extension icon and its placed in resources only this issue I am seeing. can anybody let me know how can fix this.

here my mac and mas configuration of package.json

`"build": { "appId": "com..", "afterSign": "./resources/notarize.js", "mac": { "icon": "icon.icns", "hardenedRuntime": true, "entitlements": "./resources/entitlements.mac.plist", "entitlementsInherit": "./resources/entitlements.mac.plist", "target": ["dmg", "mas"] }, "mas": { "type": "distribution", "hardenedRuntime": false, "entitlements": "resources/entitlements.mas.plist", "entitlementsInherit": "resources/entitlements.mas.inherit.plist", "provisioningProfile": "resources/magnifhire2022.provisionprofile", "asarUnpack": [] }, "files": [], "directories": { "output": "release", "buildResources": "resources" } }

issueValidationFailed `

html5technologies786 avatar Sep 06 '22 05:09 html5technologies786

Hmmm Have you tried placing icon within the mas config? My other best guess is that the icns could need to be regenerated if it's not containing the correct image asset sizes embedded with it.

mmaietta avatar Sep 08 '22 17:09 mmaietta

I am actually aboe to replac icon in mas too. in advance, when I explored Contents of the app, I saw in resources icon.icns file is placed. but when pkg installer file is uploaded it says, icon is missing . For regeneration I put icon.png with 512*512 by uisng iconutil -c icns icon.iconse. its generated icon.icns file.

html5technologies786 avatar Sep 09 '22 10:09 html5technologies786

You also need a 1024x1024 icon (512x512@2x)

mmaietta avatar Sep 09 '22 18:09 mmaietta

In icon.icns ? yes, I place this too, but when i generate icns, it only created icon.icns, Where do I place 1024x1024 ?

html5technologies786 avatar Sep 10 '22 05:09 html5technologies786

In the icns file

mmaietta avatar Sep 10 '22 20:09 mmaietta