Diego Barrios Romero

Results 40 issues of Diego Barrios Romero

Context: Our [gpio-cdev](https://github.com/rust-embedded/gpio-cdev) crate only supports GPIO uAPI v1, which has been deprecated in the kernel. There is a new crate [gpiocdev](https://github.com/warthog618/gpiocdev-rs/) which does support it in newer kernels. Preliminary...

Thanks for creating this @roblabla! I use it all the time :) Today, however I have started seeing an error after the compilation of kcov: ``` error: failed to parse...

The approach described [here](https://jbp.io/2017/07/19/measuring-test-coverage-of-rust-programs) uses llvm profile compiler runtime library, which has several benefits. Most interestingly, it seems to me like the coverage results are more accurate and can even...

We need to fix the CI so that we can merge new PRs. Inspiration can be drawn from [here](https://github.com/rust-embedded/gpio-cdev/blob/master/.github/workflows/ci.yml).

help wanted

I think we could show more interesting content in the main landing page, currently containing a placeholder [rust-embedded.org](https://rust-embedded.org). I propose displaying the showcase. The showcase contains cool/motivational examples as well...

- Added some intro text - Changed the header a bit - Added a link to the org - Changed purple tone to match that of rust-lang.org Preview: ![showcase](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43125/222957266-6e4d46dc-4c4b-4ccd-befe-10d7a804b41f.png) cc:...

Currently some CI targets fail because they are not available on Rust stable anymore. See [here](https://github.com/rust-embedded/rust-sysfs-pwm/actions/runs/7206376036)

Since we will remove the RNG traits in `embedded-hal` itself, it would be good to have a section here about implementing the `rand_core` traits for a HAL where we can...

Renaming the libraries is sometimes used as to avoid interference with the library versions already available on the target systems by giving them a prefix. This PR allows users to...