rfc3161timestampingserver copied to clipboard
This project offers a rfc 3161 compliant timestamping authority/server
This project offers a RFC 3161 compliant timestamping authority/server - you can build it by issuing
mvn compile package
and then starting the resulting monolithic jar file by issuing
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar target/rfc3161timestampingserver-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Note, however, that to be fully functional, the server needs cryptographic material, namely
- a certificate named tsa.crt
- a private key matching the certificate named tsa.key
- and the certificate chain for the certificate named chain.pem
all inside the directory src/main/resources/rfc3161timestampingserver/priv.
And of course the computer you are running this on is always synchronized with a time source like GPS or the PTB.
The easiest way to get these files is to use a Certificate Authority managed by project expect-dialog-ca. Another advantage of using this project is that you get a configuration file tsa.conf for working with timestamps using OpenSSL for free (see below).
Alternatively one could just start the server using maven by issuing
mvn compile exec:java
In both cases, the server starts on port 7000 - at the moment
only POST and GET requests are supported. POSTs accept either a body of mimetype
consisting as the name hints an timestamping request
or if the mimetype is multipart/form-data
, the form must contain a file
named tsq again being a timestamp request. In case the request brings with it
a valid timestamp request - it is then answered with a matching timestamp reply.
GET is available to search for timestamp replies for checking the integrity.
At the moment, this is a prototype. It still lacks support for TLS. Serial numbers are stored in a relational database.
The recommended mode of using this is to use the provided Dockerfile
and docker-compose.yml file. It already brings a correctly configured postgres
instance with it. The master
branch uses a PostgreSQL version 12 for this. If you start from scratch, you probably want
to use the 'postgres14` branch - if you are already a user of the naster branch and want to
switch to PostreSQL 14 - you should read the section about migrating further down here!
It is probably better
to actually use a proxy solution like traefik (the docker-compose is
already prepared for this) or similar
solutions so the services are actually accessible with a sound hostname and
some default port.
If you use the provided docker-compose.yml file, you must provide some secrets and a file named environment.env holding some configuration items. They are:
- JDBC connection URL for the database persisting generated timestamps -
- DB user -
- URL of the influxdb for the monitoring data -
- Determines if all certificates of the chain are to be included in the response (if set totrue
) or not (otherwise, the default). Certificates are only included if the request wants them. -
- Determines if CRLs of the included certificates should be included in the response (if set totrue
) or not (otherwise, the default). If no certificates are included in the response, no CRLs are - included as well - regardless of the value of this configuration item
Additionally, there are some secrets you also have to provide:
- chain with all CA certificates -
- certificate -
- private key -
- File holding the DB password forjavax.persistence.jdbc.user
(see above)
Monitoring can be adjusted by setting environment variables also - using the properties in influxdb_micrometer.properties as names of the environment variables.
Working with it
The project offers some resources to make it easier working with timestamps:
One of them is available under http://<host>:<port>/tsa.conf
It is a configuration that can be used with
OpenSSL to create a certificate
request like so:
openssl ts -query -config tsa.conf -cert -sha512 -data <path>/<some_file> -no_nonce -out <request_path>/<request>.tsq
This request can be sent using a HTTP POST request as multipart form data (for example from a file upload form inside a web page):
curl -F "tsq=@<request>.tsq" http://<host>:<port>/ ><reply>.tsr
The file reply.tsr contains the timestamp. Alternatively, this also works with a POST request containing the timestamp query in the body of said request having the correct mime-type:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/timestamp-query" --data-binary '@<request>.tsq' http://<host>:<port>/ ><reply>.tsr
The content of the timestamp (useful for ascertaining the time and date for example) can be displayed for example with the help of OpenSSL command line tools like so:
openssl ts -config tsa.conf -reply -in <reply>.tsr -text
To verify the timestamp, OpenSSL can help too:
openssl ts -verify -config tsa.conf -queryfile <request>.tsq -in <reply>.tsr -CAfile chain.pem
The server offers the possibility to search for a message digest - either with
curl -F "algoid=x.y.z" -F "msgDigestBase64=<base64encodedDigest>" http://<host>:<port>/query --output <queried>.tsr
or without specifying the message digest algorithm for computing it:
curl -F "msgDigestBase64=<base64encodedDigest>" http://<host>:<port>/query --output <queried>.tsr
Alternatively it is possible to search for a message digest formatted as hexdump without colons as for example sha512 generates:
sha512sum <path>/<some_file>
curl -F "msgDigestHex=<msgDigestAsHexdump>" http://<host>:<port>/query --output <queried>.tsr
This project offers a server that adheres to standards - this way, it
can be used as standin for any solution that needs access to a timestamping
server. One example for that is the Java build tool Ant:
it has a signjar
task that takes an attribute named tsaurl
. If one sets this parameter to
, the jar file is not only signed but also timestamped.
This can get important when the application the jar belongs to is started after the signing certificate is expired: Ordinarily, the app would not start anymore but the timestamp guarantees that the certificate was valid at the time the timestamp was created and so the application can be used after expiration of the signing certificate up to the expiration of the timestamping certificate.
Web Frontend
The solution offers a simple Web Frontend for creation of timestamps and query of created timestamps as
well as for downloading resources such as the signer certificate or the certificate chain. It is
reachable via http://<host>:<port>/
using any web browser. The landing page also gives some hints about working
with the service using curl as given above.
Java Client
There is a new companion project https://github.com/elbosso/rfc3161client that demonstrates the use of any RFC 3161 compliant server from within Java applications for creation and verification of timestamps.
Python Client
There is a library called rfc3161ng for using an RFC 3161 compliant server for the creation of timestamps as well as for cthe verification of such timestamps. It offers examples of its usage in its README.md - howeve, there is a pull request out because i found that in one particular usage scenario it throws an exception during verification of a timestamp. This scenario is the verification of the timestamp using the certificate contained within it, not having it downloaded beforehand. So I propose - until the said pull request is merged - to verify a timestamp not as show in the README of the project but to do it like so:
>>> import rfc3161ng
>>> rt = rfc3161ng.RemoteTimestamper('http://time.certum.pl', include_tsa_certificate=True, certificate=b"", )
>>> tst = rt.timestamp(data=b'John Doe')
>>> rt.check(tst, data=b'John Doe')
>>> rfc3161ng.get_timestamp(tst)
datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 31, 15, 42, 58, tzinfo=tzutc())
The difference here is to specify that the timestamping server should include the certificate. The certificate during construction of
is not left unspecified (the default value for the unspecified parameter certrificate
being None
) - this
would result in the mentioned exception. Rather, it is explicitly set to an empty string, suppressing the exception and verifying the
timestamp as intended.
Note, though, that this library does nothing to actually check the validity of the certificate - this is something that the user has to do by himself by - for example - implementing a full-fledged PKIX chain verification with revocation checks.
Migration between Postgres versions
If you use this solution from scratch, you can just edit the file docker-compose.yml matching your target architecture if you want to use a different version of the Postgres database - currently versions 12, 13 and 14 are supported.
If you are however already running this solution and want to change the database version - simply changing the file docker-compose.yml matching your target architecture will not help: Postgres changes the layout and format of its data files between major versions - the service will not come up if you do so. However, there is a relatively easy way to overcome this:
You should of course make a backup of your persistent volumen for the database before trying any migration work. To do so, you have to stop the service first. Then you can make a backup and start working on the migration. There are many resources concerning upgrading Postgres in Docker - feel free to compare them with the proceedings laid out here.
Word to the wise: it is always a good idea to have some tests ready that can help you validate that the migration was successful. One such test is of course checking if the service still creates timestamps after the migration is finished. Another strongly recommended test is to try out the search for a timestamp using a known valid hash as key - this should produce the same result before and after the migration.
Now, let us get to the actual steps needed to nigrate to a different major version of Postgres while keeping all data intact: First, lets create a backup of the database in the version currently used by starting the service again and the executing
docker-compose exec rfc3161serialnumberprovider pg_dumpall -U jdbctestuser > backup/dump_13.sql
This creates a dump file in subdirectory backup - you can of course change the destination file. Now, the service is stopped. Afterwards, the volume is deleted. If you use a directory as volume for Postgres data, you can simply rename it (thus having another backup if needed) and create one with the same name (and attributes and owner) as the original one. The file docker-compose.yml matching your target architecture is modified - the version of the docker image for Postgres needs to be changed. Now, the service ist started again - it now starts Postgres in the version wanted but with no data. To populate the database with the backup, issue the following command:
docker exec -i rfc3161serialnumberprovider psql -U jdbctestuser -d jdbctest < backup/dump_13.sql
Of course, the name and path of the dump file must be the same as given when the dump file was created.
After this command finishes, you can test the solution and you will find that it works as before and has not lost any data. If something should go wrong and the tests are not successful - shut down the service and undo any changes in the file docker-compose.yml matching your target architecture, reactivate the backup of the data volume you made earlier and the service will work as before after restarting.