
Results 33 issues of elbaro

The issue backtrace requires colorlama==0.3.7 is fixed but not published. My package is dependent on backtrace and it prints the version conflict error when installing. Please consider publishing new version.

If we have a symlink, e.g. ``` 1. A/a.txt 2. A-symlink/a.txt ``` then ambr replaces 1 and then wrongly replaces 2. ``` ambr 'nazel_package()' 'package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])' Replace keyword? [Y]es/[n]o/[a]ll/[q]uit:...

Unicode input is essential for non-English users. https://github.com/servo/servo/issues/4144

``` [delta] features = side-by-side line-numbers decorations zero-style = syntax "#EEEEEE" ``` When using side-by-side with a terminal background color overriding, the color does not apply to empty lines. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1851290/112279843-b51eb080-8cc7-11eb-988f-c034d21c7f7b.png)

I am using py2. When image_preloader is provided an wrong path, the code throws an exception, and tflearn considers any exception as py2 vs py3 problem. ``` /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tflearn/data_utils.pyc in directory_to_samples(directory,...

I am using `tqdm` which interactively update the progress bar in the terminal. A sacred observer captures stdout like this: ```sh [train] loss = 0.0000 acc = 1.0000: 2%|▏ |...


It should be documeneted in `join`, `join3`, `join4`, ..`join5` that they are concurrently run not run in parallel, and how to run them in parallel. https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/macro.join.html


Hi, I found a few differences from the Lua model. - ConvBlock's batchnorm has no bias (affine=False) in Lua - FullyConnected(1x1 conv) has batchnorm(affine=False) in Lua - The first pooling...

A Github app requires a custom media type for requests. However `new_custom(..media: MediaType..)` was removed in this commit: `https://github.com/github-rs/github-rs/commit/c915e4615dbfadba753bd2fea86ba4b2d51db05c`. Do you plan to get it back?

Hi, I'm using androLua for general View widgets in android, and by just changing dot '.' to colon ':' it works well like java code. but my lua script gets...