
Results 21 comments of elbaro

Updating dependencies worked. Other examples are broken as well and require code changes.

`yarn outdated` tells you what can be updated. ```diff "dependencies": { - "@motorcycle/dom": "16.0.0", - "@motorcycle/mostly-dom": "4.0.0", - "@motorcycle/run": "4.0.0", - "@motorcycle/stream": "2.0.0" + "@motorcycle/dom": "17.0.0", + "@motorcycle/mostly-dom": "5.0.0", +...

Also for colored output, ``` epoch 95 [train] loss = 0.0080 acc = 0.9992  [valid] loss = 0.0080 acc = 0.9992  ```

Piping loses the file headers. ``` rg abc a.txt 4: ...abc...xyz... 7: ...abc... b.txt 3: ...abc...xyz... ``` ``` rg abc | rg xyz 4: ...abc...xyz... 3: ...abc...xyz... ```

Sorry my bad. It looks like this: ``` rg abc | rg xyz a.txt: ...abc...xyz... a.txt: ...abc...xyz... b.txt: ...abc...xyz... b.txt: ...abc...xyz... ``` Still hard to parse when there are many...

Have the same issue in 0.30.0. Also it seems missing *, / and // ```py _ARITH_OPS = frozenset({'PLUS', 'MINUS'}) def Visit_arith_expr(self, node): # pylint: disable=invalid-name # arith_expr ::= term (('+'|'-')...

It's a temporary fork only with known fixes. I will not actively maintain it. For a long term please start a new fork.

There are two functions in Mac - InstallEventHandler (Carbon) - addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask (Cocoa) Mac global hotkey in Swift (Carbon) - https://github.com/Clipy/Magnet

I am also drawing charts and need text size measurement for layout. If it makes easier, only support for monospace + basic shaping is fine until the feature is fully...

Please separate the API for uniform sampling and weighted sampling. The former can avoid iterating all rows. In Spark, if you have 1,000,000 rows in S3 and sample 100 rows,...