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Neural Topic Models
This repo contains a WIP implementation of This is here for the purpose of sharing with collaborators -- it isn't final code or presentation-quality code.
The NTM model is intended to work essentially as follows:
The outputs are W1 and lt.
- W1 -- An embedding showing, approximately, the distribution of topics over each document.
- lt -- An embedding showing, approximately, the distribution of topics over each term.
W1 and lt are calculated as follows:
R^{n_terms * 300} is created mapping each term to the sum of word2vec embeddings of grams within the term. (Because a term may be an n > 1 gram.)
is mapped to lt
by sigmoid activation of weight matrix W2.
W2 R^{300 * n_topics} is pre-trained by auto-encoding le
against itself.
W1 R^{n_docs * n_topics} is pre-trained so that each document's embedding is the sum of the pre-trained lt
activations for the terms contained in the document.
Each example is a combination of (a) a term, (b) a document containing the term, and (c) a random document that does not contain the term.
and ld-
R^{n_topics} are the softmax activation of W1 for the positive and negative documents, respectively.
and ls-
are calculated. Each is a scalar representing the predicted probability that the term would appear in the positive and negative documents, respectively.
= lt
dotproduct ld'`
The cost is then calculated as:
c(g, d+, d-) = max(0., 0.5 - ls-
+ ls+
Thus, the algorithm wants to find (a) an embedding for the documents, and (b) a weight matrix mapping the term word2vec embeddings to topics, where given any term and a document containing the term, the predicted probability that the term would appear in the document is at least 0.5 greater than the predicted probability the term would appear in a randomly chosen document that does not contain it.
In my testing, with a 1M document, 30000 term corpus with ~ 10M total grams, aiming for 128 topics, I found that the W1 and W2 both consistnetly converge toward 0, usually after only 1 epoch.
- Theory: In debugging, I observed that the calculation of
tends to be around 1 e-8. Adding 0.5, I suspect that a 32-bit float would represent the number only as 0.5, losing precision.
I suspect that this is then causing every loss to be calculated as 0.5, and confusing the gradients for W1 and W2.
- Pretraining W1 & W2 by ignoring the 0.5 separation: I tried this cost function:
c(g, d+, d-) = mean(binary_crossentropy(ls+
, 1), binary_crossentropy(ls-
, 0))
Result: Convergence toward zero.
- Gradient enhancement: on the theory that the problem was underflow, I tried this cost function:
c(g, d+, d-) = max(0., 0.5 + max(n_docs, 10 ** epoch) * (ls-
- ls+
Result: Convergence toward zero
- Normalization: To try to force the weights on W2 and W1 to not approach zero, I tried:
Modifying the formula for lt
to softmax(softplus(le
)). This is intended to prevent lt
from approaching zero while encouraging greater differentiation of topics and terms.
Enforcing a unit-norm constraint on W1, the document-topic embedding matrix.
Result: In testing
- Optimization: I experimented with
(which I have found very effective) intead of vanilla SGD.
Result: W1 converged toward zero much more quickly than with vanilla SGD.