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Scroll contexts not deleted for searches with no resuts
The perl client doesn't delete scroll contexts when a scroll search is empty (no results returned). However, if data is returned, then a call to finish() does delete the scroll context.
The lack of a DELETE issued for the scroll context at the end of the code below was verified using ngrep, and by checking the status of ES with a variant of the following:
curl -q -sS -X GET http://localhost:9200/_nodes/stats/indices/search?pretty | egrep '(name|scroll_current)'
I have the following modules installed:
Search::Elasticsearch (6.00)
Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0 (6.00)
Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0 (5.02)
Search::Elasticsearch::Client::Direct (1.20)
Tested with the following code:
use strict;
use Search::Elasticsearch;
my $es = Search::Elasticsearch->new( nodes => 'mysearchnode:9200' ) || die;
my $scroll = $es->scroll_helper (
'index' => 'logstash-2019.07.03',
'body' => {
'query' => {
'query_string' => {
'query' => 'IpAddress: SomethingThatNeverMatches',
'analyze_wildcard' => 'false'
my $doc = $scroll->next;
printf STDERR "Doc returned? %s\n", (defined $doc) ? 'yes' : 'no';
@Daniel314 first of all, sorry for the delay. I'm the new maintainer of this project, thanks for reporting this I'll looking into it soon.
Hi, I observe this problem as well. Has anyone found out why this is happening?
ES version: 7.6
version 6.80
Hi @Daniel314 & @ezimuel ,
as stated in my comment above, I was having this problem as well. It does happen when no hits are found. However, I realised that this also happens after I loop through all the hits in a scrolled search that returns small number of hits (3 hits in my case). After looping through the hits via with while (my $hit = $scroll->next) {}
and calling $scroll->finish
, the scroll context would still not be deleted immediately, they were still open for a few minutes (default time).
I have looked at your perl libraries and made these changes, and it seems to have fixed both issues for me:
diff --git a/lib/Search/Elasticsearch/Client/6_0/Role/Scroll.pm b/lib/Search/Elasticsearch/Client/6_0/Role/Scroll.pm
index ce013e6..7425adf 100644
--- a/lib/Search/Elasticsearch/Client/6_0/Role/Scroll.pm
+++ b/lib/Search/Elasticsearch/Client/6_0/Role/Scroll.pm
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ has 'search_params' => ( is => 'ro' );
has 'is_finished' => ( is => 'rwp', default => '' );
has '_pid' => ( is => 'ro', default => sub {$$} );
has '_scroll_id' => ( is => 'rwp', clearer => 1, predicate => 1 );
+has '_prime_scroll_id' => ( is => 'ro' );
sub scroll_request {
diff --git a/lib/Search/Elasticsearch/Client/6_0/Scroll.pm b/lib/Search/Elasticsearch/Client/6_0/Scroll.pm
index f35e71f..707af46 100644
--- a/lib/Search/Elasticsearch/Client/6_0/Scroll.pm
+++ b/lib/Search/Elasticsearch/Client/6_0/Scroll.pm
@@ -42,7 +42,11 @@ sub BUILDARGS {
_buffer => $results->{hits}{hits},
? ( _scroll_id => $results->{_scroll_id} )
- : ( is_finished => 1 )
+ : ( is_finished => 1 ),
+ # Store the very first scroll id here so that even if $total == 0, we
+ # can still keep track of it:
+ _prime_scroll_id => $results->{_scroll_id},
@@ -51,6 +55,17 @@ sub next {
my ( $self, $n ) = @_;
$n ||= 1;
+ # Looks like there were no search results and this is the first call to
+ # 'next' (because '$self->total == 0'), We set the _scroll_id to the value
+ # of prime scroll id. This will help us delete the scroll context via the
+ # call to finish():
+ if ($self->total == 0) {
+ $self->_set__scroll_id($self->_prime_scroll_id);
+ $self->finish();
+ return;
+ }
while ( $self->_has_scroll_id and $self->buffer_size < $n ) {
@@ -86,10 +101,7 @@ sub refill_buffer {
my $hits = $results->{hits}{hits};
$self->_set_total_took( $self->total_took + $results->{took} );
- if ( @$hits == 0 ) {
- $self->_clear_scroll_id;
- }
- else {
+ if ( @$hits ) {
$self->_set__scroll_id( $results->{_scroll_id} );
push @$buffer, @$hits;
@@ -101,7 +113,7 @@ sub refill_buffer {
sub finish {
my $self = shift;
- return if $self->is_finished || $self->_pid != $$;
+ return if ($self->is_finished && !$self->_scroll_id) || ($self->_pid != $$);
@{ $self->_buffer } = ();
I hope this helps you or anyone else having this issue. If I am making a mistake in the proposed fix, please let me know as my initial, rudimentary checks do not show an obvious adverse effects.