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Elastic.Transport.UnexpectedTransportException: 'The JSON value could not be converted to Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch.Ingest.InferenceConfig'
Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch version: 8.9.2
Elasticsearch version: 8.9.1
.NET runtime version: net6.0
Operating system version: Windows 10
Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior: The problem is that I'm trying to get info about the specific pipeline. If it dosn't exist - everything works fine, it returns 404 response. But if I have pipeline with 'inference_config', it throws the exception that it could not parse the json.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create pipeline with 'inference_config' set;
"example-pipeline": {
"description": "Text embedding pipeline",
"processors": [
"inference": {
"model_id": ".elser_model_1",
"target_field": "ml",
"field_map": {
"name": "text_field"
"inference_config": {
"text_expansion": {
"results_field": "tokens"
- Request this pipeline using .Net;
var response = client.Ingest.GetPipeline(p => p.Id("example_pipeline"));
Expected behavior The client returns info about pipeline (if exists) without throwing any errors.
Provide DebugInformation
(if relevant):
Message=The JSON value could not be converted to Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch.Ingest.InferenceConfig. Path: $.inference_config | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 179.
at Elastic.Transport.DefaultHttpTransport1.ThrowUnexpectedTransportException[TResponse](Exception killerException, List
1 seenExceptions, RequestData requestData, TResponse response, RequestPipeline pipeline)
at Elastic.Transport.DefaultHttpTransport1.Request[TResponse](HttpMethod method, String path, PostData data, RequestParameters requestParameters) at Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch.ElasticsearchClient.DoRequest[TRequest,TResponse,TRequestParameters](TRequest request, Action
1 forceConfiguration)
at Program.<Main>$(String[] args) in ...\Program.cs:line 11
This exception was originally thrown at this call stack: [External Code]
Inner Exception 1: JsonException: The JSON value could not be converted to Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch.Ingest.InferenceConfig. Path: $.inference_config | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 179.
Hi @AntonDambrouski, does this issue still exist in 8.13.x?
Hello @flobernd, the issue still persists, but the method GetPipeline()
is marked as obsolete. BTW I solved my task without this method, so if it is obsolete I guess we can close this issue. What do you think?
Here is the error details:
Elastic.Transport.UnexpectedTransportException HResult=0x80131500 Message=Unknown property name 'text_expansion' received while deserializing the 'InferenceConfig' from the response. Source=Elastic.Transport StackTrace: at Elastic.Transport.DistributedTransport
1.ThrowUnexpectedTransportException[TResponse](Exception killerException, List
1 seenExceptions, RequestData requestData, TResponse response, RequestPipeline pipeline) at Elastic.Transport.DistributedTransport1.<RequestCoreAsync>d__16
1.MoveNext() at System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask1.get_Result() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ValueTaskAwaiter
1.GetResult() at Elastic.Transport.TaskExtensions.EnsureCompleted[T](ValueTask1 task) at Elastic.Transport.DistributedTransport
1.Request[TResponse](HttpMethod method, String path, PostData data, RequestParameters requestParameters, OpenTelemetryData& openTelemetryData) at Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch.ElasticsearchClient.<>c__DisplayClass28_03.<<DoRequestCoreAsync>g__SendRequest|0>d.MoveNext() at Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch.Ingest.IngestNamespacedClient.GetPipeline(Action
1 configureRequest) at Program.<Main>$(String[] args) in..\Program.cs:line 8This exception was originally thrown at this call stack: [External Code]
Inner Exception 1: JsonException: Unknown property name 'text_expansion' received while deserializing the 'InferenceConfig' from the response.