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[Metricbeat][Kubernetes Volume] Add pvc reference to distinguish ephemeral from persistent volumes

Open herrBez opened this issue 10 months ago • 6 comments

Proposed commit message

[Metricbeat][Kubernetes Volume] Add pvc reference to distinguish ephemeral from persistent volumes


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  • [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation
  • [ ] I have made corresponding change to the default configuration files
  • [ ] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works
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Author's Checklist

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How to test this PR locally

Create a PVC and mount the PVC as a volume in a pod, e.g. (on GKE):

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pvc-demo
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi
  storageClassName: standard-rwo
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: pod-demo
    - name: pvc-demo-vol
       claimName: pvc-demo
    - name: pod-demo
      image: nginx
          cpu: 10m
          memory: 80Mi
          cpu: 10m
          memory: 80Mi
        - containerPort: 80
          name: "http-server"
        - mountPath: "/usr/share/nginx/html"
          name: pvc-demo-vol

Deploy metricbeat and check that there exist documents in kubernetes.volume with the field

Alternatively execute the test.

Related issues

  • Fixes

Use cases

The use-case is to being able to monitor persistent volumes and ignoring ephemeral volumes for threshold alerts.

As of now there is no way to distinguish persistent from ephemeral volumes. However, the endpoint called by the module $NODE_URL/summary/stats does actually report a pvcReference that allows to bind the pod's volume with a corresponding pvc.

Example Response:

 "volume": [
          "time": "2024-04-09T17:34:17Z",
          "availableBytes": 31509590016,
          "capacityBytes": 31526391808,
          "usedBytes": 24576,
          "inodesFree": 1966069,
          "inodes": 1966080,
          "inodesUsed": 11,
          "name": "pvc-demo-vol",
          "pvcRef": {
            "name": "pvc-demo",
            "namespace": "default"
          "time": "2024-04-09T17:34:17Z",
          "availableBytes": 83873792,
          "capacityBytes": 83886080,
          "usedBytes": 12288,
          "inodesFree": 502853,
          "inodes": 502862,
          "inodesUsed": 9,
          "name": "kube-api-access-h2cll"



herrBez avatar Apr 10 '24 15:04 herrBez

This pull request does not have a backport label. If this is a bug or security fix, could you label this PR @herrBez? 🙏. For such, you'll need to label your PR with:

  • The upcoming major version of the Elastic Stack
  • The upcoming minor version of the Elastic Stack (if you're not pushing a breaking change)

To fixup this pull request, you need to add the backport labels for the needed branches, such as:

  • backport-v8./d.0 is the label to automatically backport to the 8./d branch. /d is the digit

mergify[bot] avatar Apr 10 '24 15:04 mergify[bot]

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elasticmachine avatar Apr 10 '24 16:04 elasticmachine

cc @elastic/obs-ds-hosted-services

herrBez avatar Apr 17 '24 14:04 herrBez

a new field also should be added in the fields file:

tetianakravchenko avatar May 02 '24 15:05 tetianakravchenko


I tried to address the raised point about the tests^^. I also tried specifying the field. What I am not sure about is that in the end I want to "reuse" which is part of the kubernetes.state_persistentvolumeclaims dataset. My doubt comes from the fact that we did not specify WDYT?

herrBez avatar May 02 '24 16:05 herrBez

Apparently, adding the field broke the pipeline with the following error:

[2024-05-02T16:39:21.927Z] E Exception: export command returned with an error: Error generating Index Pattern: field <> is duplicated, remove it or set 'overwrite: true', {Name:name Type:keyword Description:PVC name. Format: Fields:[] MultiFields:[] Enabled: Analyzer:{Name: Definition:} SearchAnalyzer:{Name: Definition:} Norms:false Dynamic:{Value:} Index: DocValues: CopyTo: IgnoreAbove:0 AliasPath: MigrationAlias:false Dimension: DynamicTemplate:false Unit: MetricType: ObjectType: ObjectTypeMappingType: ScalingFactor:0 ObjectTypeParams:[] Analyzed: Count:0 Searchable: Aggregatable: Script: Pattern: InputFormat: OutputFormat: OutputPrecision: LabelTemplate: UrlTemplate:[] OpenLinkInCurrentTab: Overwrite:false DefaultField:}, {"aggregatable":true,"analyzed":false,"count":0,"doc_values":true,"indexed":true,"name":"","scripted":false,"searchable":true,"type":"string"}.

herrBez avatar May 03 '24 06:05 herrBez

Apparently, adding the field broke the pipeline with the following error:

@herrBez in beats, the different kubernetes metricsets share the same index and mappings, so if the field is already declared, you don't need to declare it again. There is a duplicate key. In integrations repo, when this field will be also added, then you need to add it kubernetes.volume data stream as well. The reason is that in agent each data stream has its own index and hence mappings.

MichaelKatsoulis avatar May 08 '24 08:05 MichaelKatsoulis

This pull request is now in conflicts. Could you fix it? 🙏 To fixup this pull request, you can check out it locally. See documentation:

git fetch upstream
git checkout -b kubernetes-pvc-volume upstream/kubernetes-pvc-volume
git merge upstream/main
git push upstream kubernetes-pvc-volume

mergify[bot] avatar May 08 '24 13:05 mergify[bot]

Hi Michael, I addressed the required changes and the build works fine

herrBez avatar May 08 '24 14:05 herrBez

@herrBez Can you add a screenshot showing the new field being populated to Elasticsearch? You can use a view from discovery filtering by the kubernetes.volume metricset and showing the new field.

MichaelKatsoulis avatar May 09 '24 12:05 MichaelKatsoulis

Here is the screenshot with the new version:


herrBez avatar May 10 '24 18:05 herrBez

Can I go ahead and merge it? Should I open a PR in the integration repository to add the field to the kubernetes.volume datastream?

herrBez avatar May 14 '24 15:05 herrBez

Can I go ahead and merge it? Should I open a PR in the integration repository to add the field to the kubernetes.volume datastream?

I will merge it. About the field in the integration, not yet. We do it after the release of beats. I will add this in our list cause we have some other fields to declare as well.

MichaelKatsoulis avatar May 16 '24 06:05 MichaelKatsoulis