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Kubernetes guides

Open graphaelli opened this issue 5 years ago • 9 comments

We recommend deploying APM Server using ECK. This issue is for tracking alternatives, following up on some requests - #929, elastic/apm-server#1244 - and confusion - apm-server as daemonset, provide guidance for running:

  • [ ] apm-server as a daemonet along the lines of auditbeat, filebeat, and metricbeat
  • [ ] apm-server as a deployment
  • [ ] apm-server with helm
  • [ ] application w/apm agent

graphaelli avatar Apr 15 '19 16:04 graphaelli

First pass in #2112 covers daemonset and sidecar deployments, along with application w/apm agent instructions for each. Deployment/service configuration can follow later. Helm chart instructions will wait for https://github.com/elastic/helm-charts/issues/68 to be completed.

graphaelli avatar Apr 16 '19 20:04 graphaelli

Any updates on apm-server deployment for kubernetes? similar to how we have detailed guide for filebeat - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/current/running-on-kubernetes.html

sheeshmohsin avatar Jan 21 '20 10:01 sheeshmohsin

@sheeshmohsin have you seen APM Server on cloud-on-k8s? Let us know if that works for you.

simitt avatar Jan 21 '20 12:01 simitt

@simitt seems like the APM Server on cloud-on-k8s cannot specify apm-server configuration like enable jaeger. right?

IzekChen avatar Mar 01 '20 02:03 IzekChen

@IzekChen you can follow the APM Server on ECK custom configuration guide to set any custom APM Server configuration, e.g.

    apm-server.jaeger.grpc.enabled: true

simitt avatar Mar 02 '20 11:03 simitt

You would also need to specify the port, so you would end up with a configuration similar to:

    apm-server.jaeger.grpc.enabled: true
    apm-server.jaeger.grpc.host: ""
          - name: http
            port: 8200
            targetPort: 8200
          - name: grpc
            port: 14250
            targetPort: 14250

Thanks to @charith-elastic for pointing this out.

simitt avatar Mar 02 '20 15:03 simitt

@simitt Thank you for the information. I have managed to solve it. The reason why I think that is not working is that when I log into the container, I can see the default config apm-server.yaml but the actual one is under the path "/usr/share/apm-server/config/config-secret/", not at the path "/usr/share/apm-server/".

We'd probably add the information to the documentation

IzekChen avatar Mar 03 '20 03:03 IzekChen

Any chance of getting a helm chart for deploying APM?

cabrinha avatar Jul 15 '21 17:07 cabrinha

@cabrinha https://github.com/elastic/helm-charts/tree/7.13/apm-server

graphaelli avatar Jul 15 '21 17:07 graphaelli