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Listing, table, with toolbars, automatic search and insert forms and much more for Django

============== django-listing

.. image:: .. image::

Django app for building HTML listings / tables, it includes many features :

  • Any iterable, Django QuerySet or model can be used.
  • Most listings can be configured into a template file without touching a python file
  • A class-based ListingView is provided if you want to code a listing at python side
  • It as an Ajax mode to save requests to the server
  • Uses JQuery if ajax is activated
  • Customized for Bootstrap by default, but can be easily customized in many way (templates, icons, etc...)
  • You can select columns to display, columns title, default sorting etc..
  • Pagination is highly customizable (buttons to display, goto page, ellipsis, icons et labels)
  • Rows can be
    instead of , so it is possible to format data in many ways
  • A lot of column types are provided, they are automatically created when a QuerySet or a model is provided
  • Columns are class-bases and one can create custom ones
  • Columns manage One-to-many, Many-to-many and foreign relations
  • Provides aggregation columns : sum, avg, min, max values
  • Provides page-level and global aggregation : sum, avg, min, max values displayed at listing last row
  • Provides columns to make a link to the object, a custom link, checkbox, select box, text input...
  • Provides "action column" that comes with many actions : show, edit, delete, move up, move down...
  • is able to manage multiple variations to present data in multiple way at the same place (text only listing, text+image listing, image only listing for example)
  • Uses Django translation framework : one can translate the listing as needed
  • Toolbars can be added at the top and/or at the bottom to make actions
  • Built-in toolbar action are : sorting, select a listing variation, number of rows per page, export data. They are customizable.
  • Toolbar items are class-based : one can create a custom one easily
  • django-listing can automatically create a filter form (aka search form)
  • Listing rows can be selectable in order to apply some actions
  • Listings can be editable for mass updates
  • django-listing can automatically create a form for inserting data to database
  • One can upload files/images into a listing, it uses DropzoneJS (Work in progress)
  • ListingView can manage itself database inserting, editing, deleting, filtering, uploads and actions : no need to develop any code for that.
  • django-listing comes with hundreds of icons as a scalable font
  • django-listing is faster than django-table2
  • Showcase

    A demo is included in source code, you will need poetry <>_ to install python environment::

    curl -sSL | python3 -

    To install the python envionment, go to django-listing source code root directory, then::

    cd showcase
    poetry install

    Check you are in showcase/ directory, then start the Django from poetry environment::

    poetry run python runserver 8123

    A sqlite database is already included, you do not have to make any migration, just open your brower at http://localhost:8123


    Django-listing is licensed under the GPLv3 license for all open source applications. A commercial license is required for all commercial applications or non-open applications

    See LICENSE.rst <>_ file for more informations.


    Please, read the doc <>_ (Work in progress)



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Listing, table, with toolbars, automatic search and insert forms and much more for Django