Hi, sorry it took some time to get back to you. I had covid (one of the last people on earth I guess), but I am better now. Yeah, I...
Thanks a lot for the nice words. The covid has come down a lot (below 1000 cases) in my country, Turkey. But, I guess I had to get it after...
I made it all work except the `requestAnimationFrame` part, I am unable to modify the window object so that it is used on chartjs. And since chartjs has a workaround...
Unfortunately, that polyfill did not work correctly since it uses 16ms between frames instead of 1000/60. I was able to generate a given number of frames successfully. You can check...
I have successfully generated frame images ☺️ https://codepen.io/elizzk/full/vYdpEEL Would you like me to create a pr so that it can be part of this package?
Some issues: - The number of frames returned changes on consecutive runs - It can only use toDataURL() and toBuffer() in sync mode. using a callback messes up things.
You can pass a custom cell. To have a custom background. But rotation is not supported at the moment.
You can pass minWidth and maxWidth
Here is a workaround to make it retina resolution: ```js const scale = 2; const image = await toPng(elm, { height: elm.offsetHeight * scale, style: { transform: `scale(${scale}) translate(${elm.offsetWidth /...
Thanks for the app ❤️