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[Feature] eksctl update addon "--resolve-conflicts" flag
What feature/behavior/change do you want?
Currently eksctl update addon command does not include the "--resolve-conflicts" flag as can be seen on v0.153.0 or later:
eksctl update addon -h
Upgrade an Addon
Usage: eksctl update addon [flags]
Addon flags:
--name string Addon name
--version eksctl utils describe-addon-versions Add-on version. Use eksctl utils describe-addon-versions to discover a version or set to "latest"
--service-account-role-arn string Addon serviceAccountRoleARN
--force Force migrates an existing self-managed add-on to an EKS managed add-on
--wait Wait for the addon update to complete
General flags:
-c, --cluster string EKS cluster name
-r, --region string AWS region. Defaults to the value set in your AWS config (~/.aws/config)
-f, --config-file string load configuration from a file (or stdin if set to '-')
--timeout duration maximum waiting time for any long-running operation (default 25m0s)
AWS client flags:
-p, --profile string AWS credentials profile to use (defaults to the value of the AWS_PROFILE environment variable)
Common flags:
-C, --color string toggle colorized logs (valid options: true, false, fabulous) (default "true")
-d, --dumpLogs dump logs to disk on failure if set to true
-h, --help help for this command
-v, --verbose int set log level, use 0 to silence, 4 for debugging and 5 for debugging with AWS debug logging (default 3)
Use 'eksctl update addon [command] --help' for more information about a command.
Ideally we should be able to run something like:
eksctl update addon --name vpc-cni --version 1.8.0 --service-account-role-arn <new-role> --resolve-conflicts Preserve
eksctl update addon --name vpc-cni --version 1.8.0 --service-account-role-arn <new-role> --resolve-conflicts Overwrite
Why do you want this feature?
"eksctl" is used extensively to manage EKS clusters and add-ons, it would be great to have the ability to update the add-on with using eksctl command to preserve or overwrite any conflict as per the AWS CLI