Emil Knabe
Emil Knabe
Release [2.19.0](https://github.com/esmini/esmini/releases/tag/v2.19.0) includes off-screen rendering support. The idea is to enable rendering to files, or another processes grabbing the images via API. Anyway, during this development work I also stumbled...
I will check. Reopen the issue.
This is an interesting point. The standard stipulates non signed distance (your rule 2), see value range in [RelativeDistanceCondition](https://www.asam.net/static_downloads/ASAM_OpenSCENARIO_V1.2.0_Model_Documentation/modelDocumentation/content/RelativeDistanceCondition.html) which is [0..inf]. I agree that as a result it's hard...
Unfortunately esmini do not yet support custom positioned camera. But it's a great idea. I'm thinking adding an argument like: `--custom_camera_pos ` Which would add another camera position to the...
In [release 2.15.3](https://github.com/esmini/esmini/releases/tag/v2.15.3) we added two relevant features: - option to capture all frames and save as jpeg images - option to add a camera with custom position, heading and...
The camera coordinates is local to the object reference point (rear axle for vehicles, and bounding box center for other, projected on ground). The camera will follow first object by...
Ah, yes sorry. The current API only supports activating store images to file. But I agree it would be great to fetch raw image data by function call. I'm not...
Totally forgot about this open issue. There is now support for off-screen rendering as suggested [above](https://github.com/esmini/esmini/issues/173#issuecomment-946467499). Images can be fetched via API for on-the-fly processing. See more information in [User...
Wrt lateral behavior your scenario was correct already in first version: * The SetLongAndLateralControl event is started first (time = 1). Then at time = 2 you start the FollowTrajectoryPLineEvent...
Which given OpenDRIVE? Is it one of the examples provided with esmini? If not, could you share it?