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Traversing and Mapping on L1/M1/R1?
, M1
, and R1
are Strong
and Choice
s. That should mean that there is a Traversing
instance for them. And the fact that they're Closed
as well should mean there is a Mapping
instance, too. But, while the Traversing
instance seems like it can be done fairly mechanically, I can't figure out what the Mapping
instance would be.
while the Traversing instance seems like it can be done fairly mechanically
Hmm, I don't see how, can you explain?
Every ArrowChoice
is a Traversing
, and it can be done by "freezing" the traversal into a list and then walking it.
-- This type represents a traversal "frozen" in a format that an ArrowChoice
-- can interact with.
newtype BazE a b t = BazE {
unBazE :: Either t (a, BazE a b (b -> t))
-- And this type represents a traversal as a difference list, in a way that
-- makes operations O(1). It's equivalent to
-- Backwards (Curried (Yoneda (BazE a b)) (Yoneda (BazE a b))).
newtype Bazaar a b t = Bazaar {
unBazaar :: forall r y.
(forall x. ((t -> r) -> x) -> BazE a b x) ->
(r -> y) -> BazE a b y
instance Functor (Bazaar a b) where
fmap f (Bazaar m) = Bazaar $ \y -> m $ \c -> y $ \g -> c $ g . f
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
instance Applicative (Bazaar a b) where
pure a = Bazaar $ \y c -> y $ \g -> c $ g a
{-# INLINE pure #-}
Bazaar mf <*> Bazaar ma = Bazaar $
\y -> mf $ ma $ \c -> y $ \g -> c $ \a f -> g $ f a
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
-- This adds a value to the traversal.
bazaar :: a -> Bazaar a b b
bazaar a = Bazaar $ \y c -> BazE $ Right (a, y $ (.) c)
{-# INLINE bazaar #-}
-- And this turns a applicative Bazaar value into a dissectable BazE value.
runBazaar :: Bazaar a b t -> BazE a b t
runBazaar (Bazaar m) = m (\c -> BazE $ Left $ c id) id
{-# INLINE runBazaar #-}
-- This newtype is pretty much a hack so I don't have to use
-- ScopedTypeVariables.
newtype Debaz p a b = Debaz { unDebaz :: forall u. p (BazE a b u) u }
-- The Traversal type from Lens.
type Traversal s t a b = forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
-- And now we implement wander.
wanderA :: ArrowChoice p => Traversal s t a b -> p a b -> p s t
wanderA tr p = arr (runBazaar . tr bazaar) >>> unDebaz go where
go = Debaz $
arr (either id $ uncurry $ flip id) . right (p *** unDebaz go) . arr unBazE
{-# INLINE wanderA #-}
There's probably a better way, specific to L1
, that leverages the structure of the types rather than having to deconstruct the traversals.
And it turns out the naive way doesn't work, because in order to create go
, it has to deconstruct go
, and that makes a loop. However, I've got it figured out through manual expansion and ScopedTypeVariables
instance Traversing M1 where
wander tr (M1 k h m) = wand k (runBazaar . tr (bazaar . h)) m where
wand :: forall s t m b. (m -> b) -> (s -> BazE m b t) -> (m -> m -> m) -> M1 s t
wand k h' m = M1 k' h' m' where
m' :: forall u. BazE m b u -> BazE m b u -> BazE m b u
m' (BazE (Right (a, b))) (BazE (Right (c, d))) = BazE $ Right (m a c, m' b d)
m' l@(BazE (Left _)) _ = l
m' _ r@(BazE (Left _)) = r
k' :: forall u. BazE m b u -> u
k' (BazE (Left u)) = u
k' (BazE (Right (a, b))) = k' b $ k a
The only law I'm not sure about whether it passes is
traverse' . traverse' = dimap Compose getCompose . traverse'
The first one is trivially satisfied by the default definition, and the second and fourth are obvious by inspection.
Nice! Would firstTraversing
do the same thing as the currently implemented first
It actually appears that it would do the reverse of the current first
; namely, that the c
produced is the first one given, not the last. You'd need to switch the last two lines of m'
to make it properly right-biased.
Just ran into a need for a generalized fmap
on these things. Fortunately I have an Applicative f
instead of just a Functor f
, and it would seem the obvious trivial definition (just lift all the values and functions) is solid.
And M1
isn't a Mapping
because there's no way for it to support the operation
backclosed :: M1 a b -> M1 (b -> x) (a -> x)
which is necessary to map an M1 a b
to an M1 (Cont r a) (Cont r b)