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Change order of Data.Bifunctor.Fix

Open Icelandjack opened this issue 7 years ago • 7 comments

The order of Fix is unfortunate, it means that given a standard base functor

data FList a list = FNil | FCons a list 

instance Bifunctor FList where
  bimap :: (a -> a') -> (list -> list') -> (FList a list -> FList a' list')
  bimap f g = \case
    FNil      -> FNil
    FCons a b -> FCons (f a) (g b)

instance Bifoldable FList where
  bifoldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> (list -> m) -> (FList a list -> m)
  bifoldMap f g = \case
    FNil      -> mempty
    FCons a b -> f a <> g b

we get an unexpected order of elements

type List = Fix FList

pattern Nil :: List a
pattern Nil = In FNil

infixr 5 :::
pattern (:::) :: a -> List a -> List a
pattern a:::as = In (FCons as a)

>>> toList (1:::2:::3:::4:::Nil)

I had the same problems with defining newtype ZipList a = ZL (Fix (Tannen Maybe (,)) from #57 where I need to wrap it in Reverse to get the Foldable I want.

if it were the other way round like The Essence of the Iterator Pattern

data Fix' p a = In' { out' :: p a (Fix' p a) }

we would get the right ordering and the argument of fold fits the shape of an algebra

type Alg f a = f a -> a

fold :: Bifunctor f => Alg (f a) b -> (Fix' f a -> b)
fold f = f . second . (fold f) . out'

Icelandjack avatar May 20 '17 20:05 Icelandjack

@ekmett deliberately chose the current design, see

That being said, perhaps there's room for this incarnation as well (under a different name).

RyanGlScott avatar May 20 '17 20:05 RyanGlScott

I respect unifying the kind structure and I hope that given #12369 they can be unified formally

data family   Fix :: (k -> *) -> k
data instance Fix f     = In  (f (Fix f))
data instance Fix f a   = In1 (f (Fix f) a)
data instance Fix f a b = In2 (f (Fix f) a b)

Maybe the underlying representation doesn't have to change, and we can inline Reverse / Backwards

instance Bifoldable p => Foldable (Fix p) where
  foldMap f (In p) = getDual (bifoldMap (Dual . foldMap f) (Dual . f) p)

instance Bitraversable p => Traversable (Fix p) where
  traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f a') -> (Fix p a -> f (Fix p a'))
  traverse f (In p) = In <$> forwards (bitraverse (Backwards . traverse f) (Backwards . f) p)

instance Biapplicative p => Applicative (Fix p) where
  pure a = In (bipure (pure a) a)
  In p <*> In q = In (biliftA2 (<**>) (&) q p)

This restores the correct ordering

>>> traverse (\a -> Const [a]) (1:::2:::3:::4:::Nil)
Const [1,2,3,4]

>>> toList (1:::2:::3:::4:::Nil)

Icelandjack avatar May 20 '17 21:05 Icelandjack

(#12369 has been implemented)

Icelandjack avatar Jul 27 '17 12:07 Icelandjack

(#12369 has been implemented)

Great! FWIW, I doubt we are going to be seeing any return-kind-polymorphic data families put into this package any time soon due to bifunctors' wide support window (the same reason we are holding off on #37 for now). This does sound like the sort of thing that would be great to explore in a different library, however.

RyanGlScott avatar Jul 27 '17 13:07 RyanGlScott

I don't generally have a particular problem with enabling new features conditional on the new version, and providing definitions that just don't get exposed on old compilers.

ekmett avatar Jul 27 '17 20:07 ekmett

In any case, I'm not sure what exactly is being proposed here anymore. There seem to be any number of possible changes that @Icelandjack is hinting at:

  1. Changing the order of arguments in the current Fix implementation
  2. Adding a new Fix with different argument order alongside the one from Data.Bifunctor.Fix (In the same module? A different module? I'm not sure.)
  3. Using a return-kind-polymorphic definition. (Whether that should replace the old one or live alongside the old one is also unclear to me.)

@Icelandjack, do one of those points accurately characterize what you're proposing?

RyanGlScott avatar Jul 27 '17 20:07 RyanGlScott

Sure. It's just a general principle. The best way to apply it here has to be hammered out. It may not belong here in bifunctors simply because bifunctor isn't the base case.

ekmett avatar Jul 28 '17 12:07 ekmett