Erik Kluzek

Results 205 issues of Erik Kluzek

Update mizuRoute to handle the frozen stream for coupling to CESM.

low priority

With the latest version of CTSM we have area correction added into CTSM, MOSART and RTM. This is multiplying fields by the ratio of what the model things the area...

low priority

As a longer term goal, mizuRoute will need to send back to CESM the amount of water taken out of lakes. Normally this will just be Evaporation-Precip that was sent...


### What is the feature/what would you like to discuss? Compsets and tests currently using CLM51 should be updated to CLM60 once CAM uses ctsm5.2.0 or later versions of CTSM....


In working on #2008 I'm finding that the logic to fine the finidat file is: complex, hard to understand, fragile, and will require a bunch of duplication. This is another...

type: enhancement
type: code cleanup

In CESM2.0/CESM2.1/CESM2.2 series POP was the default ocean model. In CESM3, POP is going to be removed and MOM will be the ocean model that's used. The masks used in...


### Description of changes Remove the dust emissions namelist items from CTSM and use the namelist in the drv_flds_in for CMEPS. Also update the CMEPS version to handle this. This...

type: enhancement
type: code cleanup

### Brief summary of bug You can't run the python system tests if you are in a CESM or CAM checkout (rather than a CTSM standalone checkout). ### General bug...

priority: low
type: bug

I'm finding that in my unit-tests with pFUnit if I update the error message that aborts I also have to update the unit-tester. This is for example annoying when you...

There are specific names for each anomaly forcing variable, this should be redone to only have one generic name for all. The most common case is to use all variables...

Responsibility: CTSM