mpv-webm copied to clipboard
Console output is red
mpv version and platform
Win 10 Version 10.0.19043 Build 19043
mpv 0.33.0-397-g4a80de90d2 Copyright © 2000-2021 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
built on Sun Oct 31 09:22:13 +08 2021
FFmpeg library versions:
libavutil 57.7.100
libavcodec 59.12.100
libavformat 59.8.100
libswscale 6.1.100
libavfilter 8.16.100
libswresample 4.0.100
FFmpeg version: git-2021-10-30-d92fdc71
The plugin prints the output in red with unsupported character in the console ss: the output for the audio encode looks fine mpv.log ss:
Log file
[ 43.990][i][webm] Encoding to D:\Anime\[Ohys-Raws] Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu. - 05 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC)-[16.31.532-16.41.834]-audio.webm
[ 43.990][v][webm] Command line: mpv D:\Anime\[Ohys-Raws] Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu. - 05 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 --start=0:16:31.532 --end=0:16:41.834 --loop-file=no --no-pause --ovc=libvpx --oac=libvorbis --aid=1 --vid=1 --sid=no --sub-ass-override=yes --sub-ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat=yes --sub-auto=exact --sub-delay=0.000000 --video-rotate=0 --deinterlace=no --vf-add=lavfi-colormatrix=bt709:bt601 --vf-add=lavfi-eq=contrast=1:saturation=1:brightness=0 --ovcopts-add=threads=4 --ovcopts-add=auto-alt-ref=1 --ovcopts-add=lag-in-frames=25 --ovcopts-add=quality=good --ovcopts-add=cpu-used=0 --ovcopts-add=b=1941k --ovcopts-add=crf=10 --o=D:\Anime\[Ohys-Raws] Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu. - 05 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC)-[16.31.532-16.41.834]-audio.webm
[ 43.990][d][cplayer] Run command: subprocess, flags=64, args=[args="mpv,D:\\Anime\\[Ohys-Raws] Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu. - 05 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4,--start=0:16:31.532,--end=0:16:41.834,--loop-file=no,--no-pause,--ovc=libvpx,--oac=libvorbis,--aid=1,--vid=1,--sid=no,--sub-ass-override=yes,--sub-ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat=yes,--sub-auto=exact,--sub-delay=0.000000,--video-rotate=0,--deinterlace=no,--vf-add=lavfi-colormatrix=bt709:bt601,--vf-add=lavfi-eq=contrast=1:saturation=1:brightness=0,--ovcopts-add=threads=4,--ovcopts-add=auto-alt-ref=1,--ovcopts-add=lag-in-frames=25,--ovcopts-add=quality=good,--ovcopts-add=cpu-used=0,--ovcopts-add=b=1941k,--ovcopts-add=crf=10,--o=D:\\Anime\\[Ohys-Raws] Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu. - 05 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC)-[16.31.532-16.41.834]-audio.webm", playback_only="no", capture_size="67108864", capture_stdout="yes", capture_stderr="no", detach="no", env="", stdin_data="", passthrough_stdin="no"]
[ 44.105][d][cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=73, args=[name="webm/e"]
[ 44.313][d][cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=73, args=[name="console/enable"]
[ 44.313][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="console-input", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"]
[ 44.316][v][osd/libass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> ArialMT, 0, ArialMT
[ 44.317][v][osd/libass] fontselect: (Consolas, 400, 0) -> Consolas, 0, Consolas
[ 44.318][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_console", contents="", flags="default"]
[ 44.318][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_console", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"]
[ 44.319][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_console", contents="esc script-binding console/_console_1\nenter script-binding console/_console_2\nkp_enter script-binding console/_console_3\nshift+enter script-binding console/_console_4\nbs script-binding console/_console_5\nshift+bs script-binding console/_console_6\ndel script-binding console/_console_7\nshift+del script-binding console/_console_8\nins script-binding console/_console_9\nshift+ins script-binding console/_console_10\nmbtn_mid script-binding console/_console_11\nleft script-binding console/_console_12\nright script-binding console/_console_13\nup script-binding console/_console_14\nwheel_up script-binding console/_console_15\ndown script-binding console/_console_16\nwheel_down script-binding console/_console_17\nwheel_left script-binding console/_console_18\nwheel_right script-binding console/_console_19\nctrl+left script-binding console/_console_20\nctrl+right script-binding console/_console_21\ntab script-binding console/_console_22\nhome script-binding console/_console_23\nend script-binding console/_console_24\npgup script-binding console/_console_25\npgdwn script-binding console/_console_26\nctrl+c script-binding console/_console_27\nctrl+d script-binding console/_console_28\nctrl+k script-binding console/_console_29\nctrl+l script-binding console/_console_30\nctrl+u script-binding console/_console_31\nctrl+v script-binding console/_console_32\nmeta+v script-binding console/_console_33\nctrl+w script-binding console/_console_34\nkp_dec script-binding console/_console_35\nkp0 script-binding console/_console_36\nkp1 script-binding console/_console_37\nkp2 script-binding console/_console_38\nkp3 script-binding console/_console_39\nkp4 script-binding console/_console_40\nkp5 script-binding console/_console_41\nkp6 script-binding console/_console_42\nkp7 script-binding console/_console_43\nkp8 script-binding console/_console_44\nkp9 script-binding console/_console_45\nany_unicode script-binding console/_console_text\n", flags="force"]
[ 44.319][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_console", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"]
[ 44.373][v][vo/gpu] Reallocating OSD texture to 2048x1024.
[ 44.401][d][cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=73, args=[name="console/enable"]
[ 53.528][e][webm]
[KAV: 00:16:31 / 00:24:09 (68%) A-V: 0.213 {7.0min 23.8fps 0.0MB}
[KAV: 00:16:31 / 00:24:09 (68%) A-V: 0.171 {0.2min 23.1fps 0.0MB}
[KAV: 00:16:31 / 00:24:09 (68%) A-V: 0.129 {0.1min 30.4fps 0.0MB}
[KAV: 00:16:31 / 00:24:09 (68%) A-V: 0.129 {0.2min 17.2fps 0.0MB}
[KAV: 00:16:31 / 00:24:09 (68%) A-V: 0.088 {0.2min 23.7fps 0.0MB}
[KAV: 00:16:31 / 00:24:09 (68%) A-V: 0.046 {0.2min 26.2fps 0.0MB}
[KAV: 00:16:31 / 00:24:09 (68%) A-V: 0.004 {0.1min 29.2fps 0.0MB} ...
Uhh, I somewhat have an idea of what could be causing this (encode progress is outputted to stderr, but we don't capture it, so it "leaks" to the console), but is this really an issue? I mean, is the issue here:
- the fact it even shows in the console?
- that it shows in red?
- that it uses unsupported characters?
The only case that could in theory be "fixed" is the first one
The reason I reported this behavior is because I tried to 2-pass encode a video in webm, this generated a .audio file right away but the .video file was taking pretty long so I opened the console to see if there's any progress report but I only saw this unformatted red text and that made me think something went wrong. That's why I also opened this issue #132 because I couldn't stop the task so I closed mpv, but that made another problem rise, the file explorer was hung on "working on it..." preview with no drives or folders visible but I could access them through cmd but ultimately I had to restart my machine which fixed this stuck issue, but after that a .video file was created which could not be opened and when I tried to delete it it would not delete and eat my cpu resources attempting to delete it so I had to restart again after which the file was in my recycle bin and the same issue happened it would not delete permanently from the bin so after restarting again i tried to clear the recycle bin using "Disk Cleanup" which ultimately deleted the file from the bin. And this whole thing happened two seperate times, so that was my reasoning, I would like the output formatting to be "fixed". Now I just use the 1-pass encode which does the trick for me.