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Integrate Symfony with WordPress and WordPress with Symfony

Results 37 EkinoWordpressBundle issues
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Hi, Am trying to install the bundle with Symfony 6 and PHP8, and getting the error below. How can I fix this error: "Your requirements could not be resolved to...

Hello, Just tried to install your project and i see that dependency `hautelook/phppass` was deleted from Github on 2021-09-09 Here a PR that use a fork of hautelook/phppasss => [https://github.com/bordoni/phpass](https://github.com/bordoni/phpass)...

Can you please describe about where to put the configuration yml in symfony 4? as symfony 4 configuration is not described there. because there is no app/config.yaml file.

I'm getting this error after composer update: Sf version from composer: 3.2.* Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function get() on null in /var/www/yellowa/symfony/vendor/ekino/wordpress-bundle/Event/Subscriber/I18n/I18nSubscriber.php:53 Stack trace: #0 [internal...

This PR fixes the deprecations for Symfony 4.4, including PHPUnit and Twig deprecated (and removed) classes in 3.0. This shall close #139 and possibly some other issue. There should not...

Call to a member function get() on null when I try to call a symfony service from functions.php in my wordpress theme. I want to use symfony services in my...

Any plans for SF4 support?

I'm trying to link to a post from a Symfony page. I have the Post entity. How do I get the link to the post itself?

Trying to do this in Symfony 3.3 we always get "Attempted to call an undefined method named "get" of class "AppBundle\EventSubscriber\SitemapBlogPostsSubscriber"" The call in question is this: $postManager = $this->get('ekino.wordpress.manager.post');...