Erik Taal
Erik Taal
As far as coding is concerned, it is just a copy of the Mawrid Reader, with each ayah listed as "2.255" for example, and the indexes made in non-alphabetical mode....
User reported the following: searching for "J Z 3" i get a wrong page of the supplement (QBL) check here,ll=460,ls=5,la=616,sg=251,ha=105,ens=h1,pr=36,aan=108,mgf=166,vi=99,kz=298,mr=124,mn=189,uqw=260,umr=202,ums=155,umj=121,ulq=487,uqa=80,uqq=53,bdw=h177,amr=h119,asb=h136,auh=h320,dhq=h98,mht=h112,msb=h45,tla=h36,amj=h110,mis=309 3WN: so the supplement as QAF for a AYN...
Hi, Thanks for your cool library, I'm becoming a very happy user :) One question if I may, as I'm wondering if this is a bug or not: Input: Aug...