mangadex-bot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mangadex-bot copied to clipboard

Mangadex bot inplementation for telegram with and instant view.

Mangadex bot

telegram chat Mangadex bot


  • Mark as read
  • Sharing manga and chapters in other chats
  • Inline search
  • Mangadex manga links detector (bot will send manga description after you send him a link)
  • Instant reading via Instant View technology
  • Favorite list
  • Reading list
  • Share manga and chapter outside telegram

In progress

  • Gets updates (RSS) for favorite manga in separate chat
  • Mangadex MDList sync (only in bot)
  • Login to mangadex via bot to get direct access to MDlist, automatic reading tracking on MD, other...


Use /index or /search to access mangadex search page or /search <manga title> to search some manga on mangadex.

Other commands and features are still in development.

Inline mode


  • I recommend to use Official Telegram app for Android or iOS instead of X version, Telegram beta is ok too. Because in X version (for Android, i don't have iOS device, so idk) pictures have worse quality than in Official one (for Android, i don't have iOS device, so idk, and yes, X version is official too, but it's a slick experimental Telegram client based on TDLib. Here).


I'd recommend to use these aliases to work with project:

alias dc='docker-compose'
alias dcd='docker-compose -f'
alias dcdlogs='docker-compose -f logs -f --tail="100"'

Install dependencies

Install Docker and Docker Compose.
To run project in dev mode with hot reload use command

// alias
dcd up -d

// no alias
docker-compose -f up -d

By doing this you'll start container with nodemon inside it that will restart application when it'll detect changes.
Now you have 2 options:

  1. run typescript watcher, that'll watch changes in src directory and compile project to dist folder which is watched by nodemon.
yarn watch-ts
  1. use vscode debugger to attach to container, start compilation in the background and you can debug application now. (Or use keyboard shortcut: CTRL + F5 or CMD + SHIFT + D on mac)

To access logs:

// alias

// no alias
docker-compose -f logs -f

To stop project

// alias
dcd down

// no alias
docker-compose -f down

To start project in production mode

// alias
dc up -d

// no alias
docker-compose up -d