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Elasticsearch template and script for zabbix
Hi When ESzabbix.py wait to long tor Elasticsearch to answer, zabbix-agent kills it, leaving lock file. This prevents any further invocations of ESzabbix.py to work. They are waiting for lock...
Does anyone know a way to authenticate user created with Search Guard (or X-Pack, whatever)? I have 3-node elasticsearch cluster. I installed Elasticsearch-zabbix and try to connect to ES cluster....
After trying to deploy the template for ElasticSearch monitoring, I finally succeeded getting values from the template. However, I cannot find several items as below: ES Cache (2 Items) -...
Getting below error and unable to start the zabbix agent zabbix_agentd [15408]: invalid entry [from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch] (not following "parameter=value" notation) in config file [/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ESzabbix.py], line 7
Hello! I ran ES 1.7.1 and zabbix 2.4, I just install your monitor scripts and face such issue: when ES is down script returns an exception (but as I understand...