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Prometheus metrics for Bull

Bull Prom

npm version

Provides Prometheus metrics for Bull


Metric type description
jobs_completed_total counter Total number of completed jobs
jobs_active_total counter Total number of active jobs (currently being processed)
jobs_delayed_total counter Total number of jobs that will run in the future
jobs_failed_total counter Total number of failed jobs
jobs_waiting_total counter Total number of jobs waiting to be processed
jobs_duration_milliseconds summary Processing time for completed/failed
jobs_waiting_duration_milliseconds summary Waiting time for completed/failed
jobs_attempts summary Processing time for completed/failed/jobs

IMPORTANT: If you are using this library to track job duration metrics for a queue for multiple consumers you will need to listen to the global:completed event. Otherwise this library will not record job duration metrics. To listen to this event instead of the completed event you'll need to set the init paremeter useGlobal to true.


import Queue from 'bull';
import promClient from 'prom-client';
import * as bullProm from 'bull-prom';

const queue = new Queue('myQueue'...);

const bullMetric = bullProm.init({
  promClient, // optional, it will use internal prom client if it is not given
  interval: 1000, // optional, in ms, default to 60000
  useGlobal: false, // optional, default to false

const started = bullMetric.start(queue);

// Optional

// Metrics result in Prometheus
// jobs_waiting_total{queue_name="myQueue", queue_prefix="default"} 0
// jobs_active_total{queue_name="myQueue", queue_prefix="default"} 0
// jobs_complete_total{queue_name="myQueue", queue_prefix="default"} 0
// jobs_failed_total{queue_name="myQueue", queue_prefix="default"} 0
// jobs_delayed_total{queue_name="myQueue", queue_prefix="default"} 0





  • promClient (optional): prom client instance
  • interval (optional, default 60000): interval in ms to fetch the Bull statistic
  • useGlobal (optional, default false)


Start running and fetching the data from Bull based on interval with the given Bull queue.

Returns a queue metrics object which includes the following methods:

  • stop(): stops monitoring the queue metrics
  • remove(): removes metrics from prometheus


  • @mjgp2
  • @robbiet480
  • @TotallyNotElite
  • @ejhayes


MIT © Pawel Badenski

This library is largely derived from kue-prom (MIT © Budi Irawan)