Eugene Aronne
Eugene Aronne
- [ ] Extend the “search request” directly into the URL: …/results/Team1,ApplicationTPS,staging,org2. The matching result sets will be loaded, then enumerated on the URL like before. - [ ] Provide...
In the database load modal, and the loaded viewing page, add the ability to filter by result set date/time range. E.g., to see results for the last 7 days.
To allow more room for multiple rules kept together for one SRG rule: Instead of ZZZZ-00-000001, ZZZZ-00-000002, ZZZZ-00-000003 default "padding" by tens (first release of feature) ZZZZ-00-000010, ZZZZ-00-000020, ZZZZ-00-000030 later,...
Helps the user keep like-rules together if they wish. - [ ] individual number change - [ ] total resequence - [ ] (but with collision/conflict warning)
using the Ruby on Rails Framework options
Currently Vulcan uses bcrypt for hashing and encryption. bcrypt's encryption modules have not been validated by NIST. Research use of modules that are NIST-validated.
Configure Vulcan to provide an explicit logoff message to users indicating a successful logoff has occurred upon user session termination, such as "You have successfully logged off"
(Perhaps using add option to limit sessions to one per user at a time