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Browser audio doesn't work when using SAR
I have SAR currently working with FL Studio. It's using my Line 6 TonePort UX2 as the audio interface, to which I have both a microphone and a guitar hooked up, and it works perfectly through Discord and Zoom which is exactly what I need. However, when I'm using FL Studio and Discord/Zoom, the audio from my browsers no longer works. Strangely though, when I restart my PC and run Chrome BEFORE running FL Studio, the browser audio works perfectly, but the FL Studio SAR audio no longer works. It seems I can have one or the other but not both which is not ideal. I'm wondering if anyone has had this issue before and would have any tips on fixing it.
If anyone could help me with this I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks
make this change in registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome reg:dword AudioSandboxEnabled = 0
make this change in registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome reg:dword AudioSandboxEnabled = 0
Thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunately I tried this as well as adding "--disable-features=AudioServiceSandbox" to the target field in my Chrome shortcut but it still doesn't work. I've also tried loading a YouTube video in Microsoft Edge and again, no audio. It seems to be just browsers. I've loaded videos through VLC and there are no issues oddly.
If you use Edge you need to make the change for Edge obviously, not for Chrome..
This worked for me.. There is an older thread here on this as well.
and also on Discord from
I have been having similar issues to the OP. When I go to find the recommended registry entries, I can't find them. Any ideas?