frontend-maven-plugin copied to clipboard
CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application
Getting following error while doing build. platform details:
WIndows-10(64 bit). nodejs angular2 cli. maven 3
I am trying to do following activities:
<!-- install CLI if not exist -->
<id>npm install -g angular cli</id>
<arguments>install -g angular-cli</arguments>
<!-- It will execute command "npm install" inside "/angular" directory -->
<id>npm install</id>
Maybe the node.exe it downloaded is corrupt?
I have the same problem - I have changed in project's pom nodeVersion to the v6.9.1 and npmVersion to the 4.0.3.
I hit this same error when updating from v6.9.1 to v6.9.5. I even tried removing the node directory in my project and reinstalling. My workaround was to copy the node.exe from my program files folder to my project.
please use instead npm in execution unit of plugin.
Hi, I had exactly the same issue on my Windows 10 machine this morning. The problem was the result of a corrupt node.exe in my Maven repository. I had to delete the node folder from BOTH my project and my .m2 repo:
delete this folder from your maven repository -> \.m2\repository\com\github\eirslett delete this folder from your application -> <MY_PROJECT>\frontend\src\main\frontend\node then: mvn clean package
I initially tried deleting only the node folder from my application, but maven replaces it with the contents of the corrupt node.exe in the local repo. By deleting both folders, the plugin was forced to go and download a fresh copy of the node.exe to my local repo. Subsequently everything worked fine.
Hope this helps.
I had the same problem, this solved the issue:
mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -DmanualInclude=com.github.eirslett:node
mvn clean package
it will delete corrupted node.exe binary and force redownload, which helped.
change version on dependency file , same like ur node version installed
I have the same issue but in jenkins. It is not a consistent one, it appears and disappears time to time. @ikangurame3 did changing version help?
This just happened to us to today in the latest plugin version.
How exactly can a corrupt download from happen in the first place?