
Results 6 comments of einarhauks

I'm having the same, or at least very similar problem, all my nodes are unavailable in Home Assistant but seem to be working fine according to the OpenZWave QT GUI....

I'm interested in this as well. Any updates on the DDS-XTypes 1.2 support?

Thanks for the reply. Do you have plans to integrate the nice API of xtypes into fast-rtps?

Fast-RTPS is now called FastDDS right? Version v2.2.0 of FastDDS was just released 12 days ago but reading the recent release notes I saw no mentioning of XTypes support. Do...

Thanks for the quick reply! :) When I originally wrote this post I was testing data type evolution with FAST-RTPS. Basically compiling a subscriber application and a publisher application separately...

Following this example: https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-DDS/tree/master/examples/C%2B%2B/DynamicHelloWorldExample I encounter two issues: 1. Type discovery only works if the publisher is using DynamicTypes as well. I'm able to discover participants ([on_participant_discovery](https://fast-dds.docs.eprosima.com/en/latest/fastdds/api_reference/dds_pim/domain/domainparticipantlistener.html#_CPPv4N8eprosima7fastdds3dds25DomainParticipantListener24on_participant_discoveryEP17DomainParticipantRRN8fastrtps4rtps24ParticipantDiscoveryInfoE)) and topics made...