Eimar Fandino

Results 20 comments of Eimar Fandino

use the latest release @totti240282 , thanks

It seems that it is making a call every second during the squd and SBC solutions, i was wondering, why does it need to request so much? I removed the...

sure, a button sounds more like a good option. I'll take a look somewhere at the end of this week

sent a pull request for this guys, added a refresh icon next to the price in the squad info

mmm i see needs more improvement the PR

someone has a fix for this? encountering the same issue with this dockerfile `` FROM confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect:7.3.2 COPY extras/jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.16.1.jar /opt/ ``

I have the error 1106 all of a sudden, was working all good until today

@YashMaster no, at the end i started to move to local tuya

I got it working, you don’t need to use the tuya cloud password but the password you use for the tuya app