Adam Heath

Results 22 comments of Adam Heath

> I have the same issue when using example code from > > apiVersion: > kind: PeerAuthentication > metadata: > name: default > namespace: foo > spec: >...

My coworker said that this is because the kustomize in kubectl is old, and not featureful enough as the standalone version.

My current thoughts are to install a global php error/warning handler, and convert the the warning that ldap_search() prints into an exception; that would then cause the sync to abort,...

For me, I'm using git-annex with a bup special remote. Annex already supports encrypting files(which I've turned off, to make use of bup's deduping feature). And then I back up...

`restic --password-file /dev/null -r s3: init` This is only half what I want, as it is still encrypting, but with a blank password. I'd like to recover that cpu usage,...

This is probably a problem for other values as well, I only just ran into it here.

``` _this.state = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _initialState["default"]), {}, { currentSlide: _this.props.initialSlide, targetSlide: _this.props.infinite ? undefined : _this.props.initialSlide, slideCount: _react["default"].Children.count(_this.props.children) }); ``` I hot-fixed my node_modules, and added the targetSlide line. I can't...

Yeah, having hardware seems to be a requirement. We only have first-gen infiniband, when can be gotten really cheap on ebay or elsewhere. With IPoIB(TCP on infiniband) I can easily...

The usage pattern we saw is a combination of factors. Most were what I would consider kernel bugs. 1: Let server run for a long time. Have memory fragmentation occur(as...

Our basic assumption was to assume that the 1U machine *would fail*. Power code, network cable, SSD backplane(we once had a capacitor burst, and set the circuit board on fire!)....