Einar Gangsø
Einar Gangsø
You need to set proper config on `doctrine.connections.[connection]`. Doesnt look like we have documentation sadly. Take a look a the tests: https://github.com/laravel-doctrine/orm/blob/1.5/tests/EntityManagerFactoryTest.php#L893 The configuration for the connection class is resolved...
This is not so easy to fix. Which EntityManager should be sent to the repository/constructor? I guess the one which is being created, but not so sure how we can...
The Laravel auth system requires you to implement the `Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable`. If you return proper strings instead of the value objects _(or implement `__toString()` on the VO)_, then it might work...
@hannescam Tested with wayland (hyprland). Was able to send sounds to discord, but keybindings did not work, did not register any keypress.
@seifane-wise Understandable! Thanks! 🙂
This might have been related to #537. Did you solve it somehow, or could you try update extensions or acl if you use those?
Method renamed in 2.0
Not sure if this is the same, but a different example with same error message where it fails because of a negated check. https://phpstan.org/r/75245e0e-3be8-4650-b270-231650f26126
@guiwoda Any reason why this wasn't merged?
I am not using this package so it's really difficult for me to say if this is "the way to go". Some tests would be great.