Einar Gangsø
Einar Gangsø
I don't think you can set TTL for metadata? This is handled by doctrine. See: https://github.com/doctrine/persistence/blob/master/lib/Doctrine/Persistence/Mapping/AbstractClassMetadataFactory.php#L193 TTL on query is per-query. You must set this on the QueryBuilder/Query object AFAIK....
Have you confirmed that `beginDatabaseTransaction` have been called?
Did you manage to figure out what the problem was @MP-okui ?
> Has there been an update for laravel-doctrine/orm about this problem? Not that I am aware of. I am not able to figure the problem with the information currently available....
You might be able to build this by creating a logger. See https://github.com/laravel-doctrine/orm/blob/9dc7790f86c2013fc43a733bde50efc0ec17881e/src/Loggers/LaravelDebugbarLogger.php for inspiration, and https://github.com/laravel/telescope/blob/4.x/src/Watchers/QueryWatcher.php for how to push to Telescope. Looks like `Telescope::recordQuery` is the way. Register...
@rosamarsky Relevant PR opened recently: #501. This might make the telescope QueryWatcher work as expected.
Thanks :+1: Could you make sure the tests pass?
I have not used this part of laravel-doctrine, sorry :/
Good catch 👍🏻 Looks like you found the correct solution (implement interface). Could you provide a pull request for this? 🙂
Sorry about that. @josenicomaia