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RasPi Check - an Android app for checking your Raspberry Pi status.

Results 38 rpicheck issues
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Hi, I seem to be having issues connecting to Pis running Bullseye, I get "Oops, could not establish a connection. Please check hostname and your network. " I'm connecting with...

I have RasPi Check working on three different tablets. With them, I successfully check my Pi1 and Pi3 devices running Pi OS, and two Pi3s running OSMC. The widgets work....


Error occurs on Pixel 6 w/Android 12 on multiple Pis.

Getting transport exception when connecting to raspberry pi using custom port. Tried getting debug logs but asking for root access ![Screenshot_20211212-224752_RasPi Check](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21128501/145750900-e922beba-31ba-49cc-9c3c-14edf2b6015b.jpg)


I just install manjaro for rpi4. I can connect via JuiceSSH and from my laptop. https://gist.github.com/marshevms/978a146e83e43e049d3737e8cbfd0137 ``` [rpi4@rpi4 ~]$ ssh -G rpi4 | grep kexalgorithms kexalgorithms curve25519-sha256,[email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group16-sha512,diffie-hellman-group18-sha512,diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 ```


Adds requested feature #203 Exporting and importing all settings, devices and commands to/from JSON is fully functional, only the file/directory picker isn't working yet.

Currently, the app needs `vcgencmd` to work properly. vcgencmd is part of every Raspberry Pi's firmware and is used to get "hardware" information (cpu speed, temperature etc.). Making the availablity...

pull requests welcome

I was messing around with https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch and as an experiment added it to .ssh/rc which lead to RasPiCheck crashing. I can attach a feedback crash log if that's useful. I...

current version in PlayStore is only 1.8.2. New Play Store release of 1.8.14 fails, because Play Store now requires at least targetLevel 30, current is onyl 28. ![grafik](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2780736/149623400-8fcfe607-e066-4eb8-a877-d1ec09b1b5f6.png)

Sometimes, by mistake, I trigger the widgets to update although I'm not on the local network. Then the widgets keep spinning, even if in the LAN, until removed and recreated...