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Discussion for speed up in wavefront.power
I have played around a bit with timing the calculation of the power of a wavefront. I have found that we can actually increase the speed of that part of the code by a factor of about 2.5. The following code tests 4 different approaches to calculating the total power. HCIPy currently uses the method from function h()
import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne
import time
npix = 256
z = np.random.randn(npix * npix) + 1j * np.random.randn(npix * npix)
def f():
return np.abs(z)**2
def g():
test = np.real(z)**2
test += np.imag(z)**2
return test
def h():
variables = {'field': z}
return ne.evaluate('real(abs(field))**2 ', local_dict=variables)
def k():
variables = {'field': z}
return ne.evaluate('real(field)**2 + imag(field)**2', local_dict=variables)
nit = 10000
labels = ['f', 'g', 'h', 'k']
for fi, func in enumerate([f, g, h, k]):
start = time.time()
for i in range(nit):
end = time.time()
elapsed = (end - start) / nit
print("Func {:s} Elapsed: {:0.2f} us".format(labels[fi], 1e6 * elapsed))
I measure the following timings Func f Elapsed: 238 +- 40 us Func g Elapsed: 144 +- 14 us Func h Elapsed: 257 +- 14 us Func k Elapsed: 167 +- 16 us
So it seems like we can speed up the power calculation by either implement function k or g. I would prefer function g because that is a pure numpy function that also immediately makes it compatible for the other back ends.