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Add FQPM coronagraph
It looks like it would be very easy to add a FQPM coronagraph considering that it uses the same setup like VortexCoronagraph()
. I have managed to do this locally, however, all I did was to replace the phase term inside of VortexCoronagraph()
here with the appropriate phase for an FQPM:
If this is something that you'd want to have added, I presume a new class like FourQuadrantPhaseMaskCoronagraph()
in a new module fqpm.py
is the way to go, but do you have any advice on how to not duplicate an entire class? Do you have any ideas on how to split this to avoid that, or should I just go ahead and open a PR with an effectively copy-pasted class, just renamed (this really doesn't seem like a good idea). Maybe subclassing from something like a PhaseMaskCoronagraph()
? Not sure how that would fly with the vector vortex (edit: I just saw that's just an agnostic optical element, so it's fine actually). I was tempted to just open a PR with what I have (copied code...) but I wanted to avoid a mess.
There is also some fiddling with the focal grid that I still need to do to clean it up and make it work properly, but overall this doesn't look like that much work.
We can probable make a separate class that is called MultiScalePhaseMaskCoronagraph or something like that. The purpose of this class is to do the multiscale propagation that the Vortex uses. Then generalize it so that it just takes a field generation function. Maybe something like this:
class MultiScaleCoronagraph(OpticalElement):
'''A phase mask coronagraph.
This :class:`OpticalElement` simulations the propagation of light through
a phase mask in the focal plane. To resolve the singularity of the
phase plate, a multi-scale approach is made. Discretisation errors made at
a certain level are corrected by the next level with finer sampling.
input_grid : Grid
The grid on which the incoming wavefront is defined.
phase_pattern : field_generator
The focal plane phase mask.
lyot_stop : Field or OpticalElement
The Lyot stop for the coronagraph. If it's a Field, it is converted to an
OpticalElement for convenience. If this is None (default), then no Lyot stop is used.
q : scalar
The minimum number of pixels per lambda/D. The number of levels in the multi-scale
Fourier transforms will be chosen to reach at least this number of samples. The required
q for a high-accuracy vortex coronagraph depends on the charge of the vortex. For charge 2,
this can be as low as 32, but for charge 8 you need ~1024. Lower values give higher performance
as a smaller number of levels is needed, but increases the sampling errors near the singularity.
Charges not divisible by four require a much lower q. The default (q=1024) is conservative in
most cases.
scaling_factor : scalar
The fractional increase in spatial frequency sampling per level. Larger scaling factors
require a smaller number of levels, but each level requires a slower Fourier transform.
Factors of 2 or 4 usually perform the best.
window_size : integer
The size of the next level in the number of pixels on the current layer. Lowering this
increases performance in exchange for accuracy. Values smaller than 4-8 are not recommended.
def __init__(self, input_grid, charge, lyot_stop=None, q=1024, scaling_factor=4, window_size=32):
self.input_grid = input_grid
pupil_diameter = input_grid.shape * input_grid.delta
if hasattr(lyot_stop, 'forward') or lyot_stop is None:
self.lyot_stop = lyot_stop
self.lyot_stop = Apodizer(lyot_stop)
levels = int(np.ceil(np.log(q / 2) / np.log(scaling_factor))) + 1
qs = [2 * scaling_factor**i for i in range(levels)]
num_airys = [input_grid.shape / 2]
focal_grids = []
self.focal_masks = []
self.props = []
for i in range(1, levels):
num_airys.append(num_airys[i - 1] * window_size / (2 * qs[i - 1] * num_airys[i - 1]))
for i in range(levels):
q = qs[i]
num_airy = num_airys[i]
focal_grid = make_focal_grid(q, num_airy, pupil_diameter=pupil_diameter, reference_wavelength=1, focal_length=1)
focal_mask = phase_pattern (focal_grid)
focal_mask *= 1 - make_circular_aperture(1e-9)(focal_grid)
if i != levels - 1:
wx = windows.tukey(window_size, 1, False)
wy = windows.tukey(window_size, 1, False)
w = np.outer(wy, wx)
w = np.pad(w, (focal_grid.shape - w.shape) // 2, 'constant').ravel()
focal_mask *= 1 - w
for j in range(i):
fft = FastFourierTransform(focal_grids[j])
mft = MatrixFourierTransform(focal_grid, fft.output_grid)
focal_mask -= mft.backward(fft.forward(self.focal_masks[j]))
if i == 0:
prop = FourierFilter(input_grid, focal_mask, q)
prop = FraunhoferPropagator(input_grid, focal_grid)
def forward(self, wavefront):
'''Propagate a wavefront through the vortex coronagraph.
wavefront : Wavefront
The wavefront to propagate. This wavefront is expected to be
in the pupil plane.
The Lyot plane wavefront.
wavelength = wavefront.wavelength
wavefront.wavelength = 1
for i, (mask, prop) in enumerate(zip(self.focal_masks, self.props)):
if i == 0:
lyot = Wavefront(prop.forward(wavefront.electric_field), input_stokes_vector=wavefront.input_stokes_vector)
focal = prop(wavefront)
focal.electric_field *= mask
lyot.electric_field += prop.backward(focal).electric_field
lyot.wavelength = wavelength
wavefront.wavelength = wavelength
if self.lyot_stop is not None:
lyot = self.lyot_stop.forward(lyot)
return lyot
def backward(self, wavefront):
'''Propagate backwards through the vortex coronagraph.
This essentially is a forward propagation through a the same vortex
coronagraph, but with the sign of the its charge flipped.
wavefront : Wavefront
The Lyot plane wavefront.
The pupil-plane wavefront.
if self.lyot_stop is not None:
wavefront = self.lyot_stop.backward(wavefront)
wavelength = wavefront.wavelength
wavefront.wavelength = 1
for i, (mask, prop) in enumerate(zip(self.focal_masks, self.props)):
if i == 0:
pup = Wavefront(prop.backward(wavefront.electric_field), input_stokes_vector=wavefront.input_stokes_vector)
focal = prop(wavefront)
focal.electric_field *= mask.conj()
pup.electric_field += prop.backward(focal).electric_field
pup.wavelength = wavelength
wavefront.wavelength = wavelength
return pup
class VortexCoronagraph(MultiScaleCoronagraph):
def __init__(self, input_grid, charge, lyot_stop=None, q=1024, scaling_factor=4, window_size=32):
lambda grid : Field(np.exp(1j * charge * grid.as_('polar').theta), grid)
super().__init__(input_grid, charge, lyot_stop=None, q=1024, scaling_factor=4, window_size=32)
class FQPMCoronagraph(MultiScaleCoronagraph):
def __init__(self, input_grid, lyot_stop=None, q=1024, scaling_factor=4, window_size=32):
lambda grid : Field(np.exp(1j * np.pi * np.sign(grid.x * grid.y) ), grid)
super().__init__(input_grid, charge, lyot_stop=None, q=1024, scaling_factor=4, window_size=32)
@syhaffert thanks for the input, that's what I was thinking. The only issue I see here is that in my local tests I can see that the FQPM performs much better with a focal grid that does not contain the origin point, while this makes it much worse for the vortex coronagraph. Should the focal grid also be an input to the multi scale coronagraph?
Other than that, it seems like you have it all ready - do you want to open a PR for this instead?
Also, I needed to adapt the parameters for the multi-scale sampling for the FQPM, so its defaults should probably be different in the FQPM class than for the vortex.
Another question I just thought of is where to put these classes. Make a new, separate module in coronagraphy
? Sticking an FQPM into vortex.py
doesn't seem right.
I will be able to work on it next week. This will need to have some additional tests and validation work if I am going to add it in a PR.
With your permission, let me get started with your blurb from above. We can iterate when you find time next week. Would that work for you?
Sure go ahead!