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Code examples from
- react-and-es6-part-1 -> React and ES6 - Part 1, Introduction.
- react-and-es6-part-2 -> React and ES6 - Part 2, React Classes and ES7 Property Initializers.
- react-and-es6-part-3 -> React and ES6 - Part 3, Binding to methods of React class (ES7 included).
- react-and-es6-part-4 -> React and ES6 - Part 4, React Mixins when using ES6 and React.
- react-and-es6-part-5 -> React and ES6 - Part 5, React and ES6 Workflow with JSPM.
- react-and-es6-part-6 -> React and ES6 - Part 6, React and ES6 Workflow with Webpack.
- babel-5-to-6-babelify -> Upgrading to Babel 6. Babel 6 for Babelify and WebPack..
- babel-5-to-6-webpack -> Upgrading to Babel 6. Babel 6 for Babelify and WebPack..