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Tidy Tools for Making and Combining Functions
The gestalt package provides a function composition operator,
, which improves the clarity, modularity, and versatility of your
functions by enabling you to:
Express complex functions as chains of smaller, more readily intelligible functions
Directly manipulate a composite function as a list-like object, so that you can inspect, modify, or repurpose any part of the chain of constituent functions
More importantly, gestalt fosters a powerful way of thinking about values as functions.
The following example (adapted from
purrr) illustrates the use of %>>>%
express a function that takes the name of a factor-column of the
data frame, fits a linear model to the corresponding groups,
then computes the R² of the summary.
fit <- mpg ~ wt
r2 <- {split(mtcars, mtcars[[.]])} %>>>%
lapply(function(data) lm(!!fit, data)) %>>>%
summarize: (
lapply(summary) %>>>%
stat: sapply(`[[`, "r.squared")
#> 4 6 8
#> 0.5086326 0.4645102 0.4229655
gestalt leverages the ubiquity of the
magrittr %>%
operator, by adopting
its semantics and augmenting it to enable you to:
Clarify intent by annotating constituent functions with descriptive names, which also serve as subsetting references
Express nested sub-compositions, while nonetheless preserving the runtime characteristics of a flattened composition, so you can focus on expressing structure that is most natural for your function
Unquote sub-expressions with the tidyverse
operator, to enforce immutability or spare a runtime computation
Ceci n’est pas une %>%
Despite the syntactic similarity, the %>>>%
operator is conceptually
distinct from the magrittr %>%
operator. Whereas %>%
“pipes” a value
into a function to yield a value, %>>>%
composes functions to yield
a function.
The most significant distinction, however, is that list idioms apply to
composite functions made by %>>>%
, so that you can inspect, modify,
and repurpose them, intuitively.
Select segments of functions using indexing
To select the first two functions in r2
, in order to get the fitted
model, index with the vector 1:2
r2[1:2]("cyl")[["6"]] # Cars with 6 cylinders
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = mpg ~ wt, data = data)
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept) wt
#> 28.41 -2.78
Repurpose using subset-assignment
To compute the residuals rather than the R², reassign the summary-statistic function:
residuals <- r2
residuals$summarize$stat <- function(s) sapply(s, `[[`, "residuals")
#> Mazda RX4 Mazda RX4 Wag Hornet 4 Drive Valiant Merc 280
#> -0.1249670 0.5839601 1.9291961 -0.6896780 0.3547199
#> Merc 280C Ferrari Dino
#> -1.0452801 -1.0079511
Inspect or modify using higher-order functions
Consider a function that capitalizes and joins a random selection of characters:
scramble <- sample %>>>% toupper %>>>% paste(collapse = "")
scramble(letters, 5)
#> [1] "YDGAB"
Here you see the final result of the composition. But because scramble
is a list-like object, you can also inspect its intermediate steps by
applying a standard “map-reduce” strategy, such as the following
higher-order function:
stepwise <- lapply(`%>>>%`, print) %>>>% compose
maps over the constituent functions of a composite function
to add printing at each step:
stepwise(scramble)(letters, 5)
#> [1] "y" "d" "g" "a" "b"
#> [1] "Y" "D" "G" "A" "B"
#> [1] "YDGAB"
The value of values as functions
Whenever you have a value that results from a series of piped values, such as
mtcars %>%
split(.$cyl) %>%
lapply(function(data) lm(mpg ~ wt, data)) %>%
lapply(summary) %>%
sapply(`[[`, "r.squared")
#> 4 6 8
#> 0.5086326 0.4645102 0.4229655
you can transpose it to a constant composite function that computes
the same value, simply by treating the input value as a constant
function and replacing each function application, %>%
, by function
composition, %>>>%
R2 <- {mtcars} %>>>%
split(.$cyl) %>>>%
lapply(function(data) lm(mpg ~ wt, data)) %>>>%
lapply(summary) %>>>%
sapply(`[[`, "r.squared")
You gain power by treating (piped) values as (composite) functions:
Values as functions are lazy. You can separate the value’s declaration from its point of use—the value is only computed on demand:
R2() #> 4 6 8 #> 0.5086326 0.4645102 0.4229655
Values as functions are cheap. You can cache the value of
by declaring it as a constant:R2 <- constant(R2) R2() #> 4 6 8 #> 0.5086326 0.4645102 0.4229655 # On a 2015 vintage laptop microbenchmark::microbenchmark(R2(), times = 1e6) #> Unit: nanoseconds #> expr min lq mean median uq max neval #> R2() 532 567 709.1435 585 647 39887308 1e+06
Values as functions encode their computation. Since a composite function qua computation is a list-like object, you can compute on it to extract latent information.
For instance, you can get the normal Q–Q plot of the fitted model for 6-cylinder cars from the head of
:head(R2, 3)() %>% .[["6"]] %>% plot(2)
In conjunction with %>>>%
, gestalt also provides:
, a more concise and flexible variation offunction
, which supports tidyverse quasiquotation.size <- 5L fn(x, ... ~ sample(x, !!size, ...)) #> function (x, ...) #> sample(x, 5L, ...)
, to make new functions from old by fixing a number of arguments, i.e., partial application. Likefn
, it also supports quasiquotation.(draw <- partial(sample, size = !!size, replace = TRUE)) #> <Partially Applied Function> #> #> * FUNCTION: #> function(x, prob) ... #> #> Calling 'FUNCTION(...)' is equivalent to calling #> sample(size = ^5L, replace = ^TRUE, ...) #> #> The function 'sample()' has the form #> function(x, size, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL) ... #> #> Recover the called function with 'departial()'. set.seed(2) draw(letters) #> [1] "u" "o" "f" "f" "h"
Hygenic: The fixed argument values are tidily evaluated promises; in particular, the usual lazy behavior of function arguments, which can be overridden via unquoting, is respected even for fixed arguments.
Flat: Fixing arguments in stages is operationally equivalent to fixing them all at once—you get the same function either way:
partial(partial(sample, replace = TRUE), size = 5L) #> <Partially Applied Function> #> #> * FUNCTION: #> function(x, prob) ... #> #> Calling 'FUNCTION(...)' is equivalent to calling #> sample(replace = ^TRUE, size = ^5L, ...) #> #> The function 'sample()' has the form #> function(x, size, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL) ... #> #> Recover the called function with 'departial()'.
See the package documentation for more details
(help(package = gestalt)
Install from CRAN:
Alternatively, install the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("egnha/gestalt", build_vignettes = TRUE)
The core semantics of
conform to those of the magrittr%>%
operator developed by Stefan Milton Bache. -
The engine for quasiquotation and expression capture is powered by the rlang package by Lionel Henry and Hadley Wickham.
The “triple arrow” notation for the composition operator is taken from the Haskell Control.Arrow library by Ross Paterson.
MIT Copyright © 2018–2022 Eugene Ha