zotxt-emacs copied to clipboard
nil key when using org-zotxt-open-attachment
First of all, thanks for your awesome extension!
I hit the following bug:
When I visit
I get the message No endpoint found
. In emacs org-zotxt-insert-reference-link
seems to work fine, but org-zotxt-open-attachment
results in
[error] request--callback: peculiar error: 400
Caught error: (error "#s(request-response 400 nil nil (error http 400) parse-error \"\" t (:params ((\"key\") (\"format\" . \"paths\")) :parser json-read :success #[128 \"\\302\\300\\303\\301\\\"\\\"\\207\" [#[(d &rest args) \"\\302\\303 \\304\\\"\\\"\\207\" [d args deferred:callback-post plist-get :response] 5] (#s(deferred identity deferred:default-errorback deferred:default-cancel #s(deferred (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (function #[(G107 G108 response) \"\\302\\304! >\\204\0\\305\\306\\307D\\\"\\210\\310H\\311\\234\\236A\\312\\313
!J\\\")\\207\" [response cl-struct-request-response-tags paths G107 type-of signal wrong-type-argument request-response 3 0 org-open-file org-zotxt-choose-path] 5]) (quote --arg--) (quote --item-id--) --cl-rest--)) deferred:default-errorback deferred:default-cancel #s(deferred deferred:default-callback zotxt--deferred-handle-error deferred:default-cancel nil nil nil) nil nil) nil nil)) apply append] 6 \"
(fn &rest ARGS2)\"] :error #[128 \"\\302\\300\\303\\301\\\"\\\"\\207\" [#[(d &rest args) \"\\302\\303 \\304\\\"\\\"\\207\" [d args deferred:errorback-post plist-get :response] 5] (#s(deferred identity deferred:default-errorback deferred:default-cancel #s(deferred (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (function #[(G107 G108 response) \"\\302\\304! >\\204\0\\305\\306\\307D\\\"\\210\\310H\\311\\234\\236A\\312\\313
!J\\\")\\207\" [response cl-struct-request-response-tags paths G107 type-of signal wrong-type-argument request-response 3 0 org-open-file org-zotxt-choose-path] 5]) (quote --arg--) (quote --item-id--) --cl-rest--)) deferred:default-errorback deferred:default-cancel #s(deferred deferred:default-callback zotxt--deferred-handle-error deferred:default-cancel nil nil nil) nil nil) nil nil)) apply append] 6 \"
(fn &rest ARGS2)\"] :url \"\" :response #0 :encoding utf-8) #<killed buffer> \"HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
X-Zotero-Version: 5.0.82
X-Zotero-Connector-API-Version: 2
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
which I think is related to the broken endpoint.
I'm using zotero 5.0.82
, zotxt 5.0.5
and org-zotxt-mode 20200120.1950
from melpa on Centos 7
and emacs-26.3
@bluewww can you show the org entry you are looking at when you get this error? Can you verify that the content is still in your zotero library?
On my machine the latest release does work when opening the file with M-x org-zotxt-open-attachment
However, the hyperlink can't be opened and I get the error message:
[error] request--callback: peculiar error: 500
[error] request-default-error-callback: error
Opening in the browser leads to the message Endpoint not found
Is this related or a different issue?
Opening in the browser leads to the message Endpoint not found.
This is expected.
I can't reproduce the problem you are seeing. Can you show me what link doesn't work for you? Thanks!
I am experiencing the same issue. I rolled back to 5.1.1 and everything works as before, so I guess something changed with 5.1.2. Thank you very much for creating such a useful piece of software!
Thanks for the useful into @LawrenceAusten ! I'll look into that