pathfindR copied to clipboard
Running run_pathfindr on multiple gene_sets
I tried to run this line:
run_pathfindR(input, adj_method = "fdr", iterations = 10, n_processes = 4, gene_sets = c("KEGG", "Reactome","GO-BP", "GO-MF"))
But it returns an error:
Error in if (!gene_sets %in% all_gs_opts) {: the condition has length > 1 Traceback:
- run_pathfindR(input, adj_method = "fdr", iterations = 10, n_processes = 4, . gene_sets = c("KEGG", "Reactome", "GO-BP", "GO-MF"))
- fetch_gene_set(gene_sets = gene_sets, min_gset_size = min_gset_size, . max_gset_size = max_gset_size, custom_genes = custom_genes, . custom_descriptions = custom_descriptions)
Am I writing the arguments wrong or is it that run_pathfindr() works with one database at a time(kegg, go, reactome...)?
Thanks a lot in advance! Best regards,