Evan Christensen

Results 50 comments of Evan Christensen

I think we can go ahead and obsolete these terms, but leave a comment redirecting people to the proper annotation source. @sjm41, could I ask you to identify the right...

When it comes to a term history, we really only have the current set of GitHub issues and the deprecated term tracker on [sourceforge](https://sourceforge.net/p/song/term-tracker/). There is a wiki, but I...

Let's go ahead and obsolete these terms and redirect folks to Rfam in a comment. Could I ask you to identify the proper RFam IDs please @sjm41?

> @egchristensen Yes, the list of 10 SO terms above is the complete list of Rfam-mirrored SO terms we think should be obsoleted (though there are other snoRNA terms suggested...

Would it be correct to instead add switch_of_function_variant as a synonym of gain_of_function_variant or is there something that differentiates the two? Does switch_of_function_variant apply specifically to protein products or could...

The sequence feature that we would add to the sequence ontology needs to be mappable to the sequence itself (usually via genomic coordinates). I think a term nucleosome_occupancy would be...

Please specify the parent term and relevant publication you'd like associated with this term.

GA4GH may be a better forum for this discussion and organizing sponsorship. They're currently managing [BED](https://www.ga4gh.org/product/bed-specification/), [CRAM](https://www.ga4gh.org/product/cram/), [VCF](https://www.ga4gh.org/product/genetic-variation-formats-vcf/), and [SAM/BAM](https://www.ga4gh.org/product/sam-bam/). While the GFF3 specification has been published on [SO's github](https://github.com/The-Sequence-Ontology/Specifications/blob/master/gff3.md)...

Please specify the parent term and relevant publication you'd like associated with this term.

Please specify the parent term and relevant publication you'd like associated with this term.