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Swift file templates for boosting mobile app development.

iOS Swift File Templates for Xcode using Feel the power of RxSwift. RxSwift, RxCocoa and RxDataSources

About this project

These templates are designed to speed up and make the iOS development so much easier by eliminating the repeating processes and making your code better organized.


The templates are using some reactive libraries such as RxSwift, RxCocoa and RxDataSources.



To install the templates run the script in the terminal.



If you'd like to remove the previously installed templates run the script.



For updating the templates you must remove them first, then run the install script.


Preparing your project

Add these pods to your Xcode project:

pod 'RxSwift',    '~> 4.1.1'
pod 'RxCocoa',    '~> 4.1.1'
pod 'RxDataSources', '~> 3.0.2'

You also have to add the files from TableView Requirements template.

Just press CMD + N or right click on your source files in Xcode and select New file....

Scoll down to MV[C]VM - Utilities section and select TableView Requirements. Then click on Next and Create.

Now you're done and you can use all the templates.

Adding the TableView Requirements

With these easy steps you can make a list presenting some data:

  • Add a Cell with Model from the previously installed templates.

  • Add the necessary properties to your model.

  • Add an init() method to the model and pass these properties as parameters.

  • Add properties (Variable types) to the viewmodel which going to be connected with the cell's outlets.
  • In the viewmodel there'll be a variable var model with the same type of the model. This variable will have a didSet method. Update the viewmodel properties here.
  • Create the outlets in the cell. (Not required in this example.)
  • Bind the cell's outlets with the viewmodel's properties in the setUpBindings() method.
  • Add a TableView-IH with [multi sections] from the previously installed templates.
  • Fill the ViewController's viewmodel with some data (sections property).
  • Add a UITableViewController to the storyboard and set its class.
  • Set the entry point.
  • Add a prototype cell to the tableview and set its class and the reuseidentifier.
  • Also add the necassary outlets and constraints to the cell. (Not required in this example.)
  • Connect these outlets with the code. (Not required in this example.)
  • Build and run. 🎉
Video tutorial



All donations are appreciated. ❤️

  • BTC address: 127tUY5nWP3ucv6uweion1cCGeraEXsfzV

  • ETH address: 0x53510eB7E2C683E28ecefEfc0B0a887227ed3da6

Don't forget to leave a star here. 😀👍

Meaning of emojis used in commit messages

Commit Type Emoji
Initial Commit 🎉 Party Popper
Metadata 🔖 Bookmark
New Feature ✨ Sparkles
Bugfix 🐛 Bug
Version tag 🎟️ Admission Tickets
Refactoring ♻️ Black Universal Recycling Symbol
Documentation 📚 Books
Internationalization 🌐 Globe With Meridians
Performance 🐎 Horse
Cosmetic 🎨 Artist Palette
Tooling 🔧 Wrench
Tests 🚨 Police Cars Revolving Light
Deprecation 💩 Pile of Poo
Removal 🗑️ Wastebasket
Work In Progress (WIP) 🚧 Construction Sign
Lint :shirt: :shirt:
Translation :alien: :alien:
Critical hotfix :ambulance: :ambulance:
Accessibility :wheelchair: :wheelchair:
Code review changes :ok_hand: :ok_hand:
Analytics or tracking code :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Removing a dependency :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign:
Adding a dependency :heavy_plus_sign: :heavy_plus_sign:
Security :lock: :lock:
General update :zap: :zap:
Text :pencil: :pencil: